Features of the choice of home theater class Hi-End

Each of us has ever been to the cinema and remembers this wonderful feeling from watching a movie on a huge screen. High-quality sound and indescribable atmosphere: this is why we again and again strive to get to the premiere of a movie. And what do you say, learning about the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of a cinema hall, without leaving your home? No neighbors and other distractions from watching the inconvenience, with a home theater class Hi-End, you can enjoy your favorite movies, anytime.

 Cinema hi-end

What is home theater

Hi-End Cinema is a high quality audio and video playback system. By installing it, you can easily achieve the effect of full presence right at home.

In standard home theater component kit enters:

  • HD, DVD or Blu-ray player;
  • signal amplifier;
  • AV - receiver;
  • acoustic system;
  • The display device is a high-resolution monitor or television.

The main advantage that a home theater has is setting it up individual owner options. Starting from indoor location to the most specific requirements of the owner, the Hi-End system will satisfy the most demanding customer.

 The composition of the cinema

Features of Hi-End Instruments

Hi-End is a high-class, elite equipment in which sound is reproduced as close as possible to the original. Significant difference from HIfi in this system is the lack of state standards and mandatory technical characteristics. Due to this, the manufacturer can include in the design high-class components, the use of which is not always economically justified. In addition, Hi-End systems also differ in two types:

  • high-quality reproduction of film effects;
  • Speakers with fine settings for playing music.

For example, modern new films can provide a very wide range of dynamic range.Volumetric or directional effects, deep bass, dialogue mixed into the central channel, many films released over the past decade support a multi-channel sound system.

 Cinema in the interior

At the same time the dynamism of music is narrowing, deep bass plays a lesser role in recordings. Main role subwoofer in the Hi-End system - to reproduce powerful low-frequency effects. When playing music, the same subwoofer should play accurate bass with easy tuning, harmoniously combining them with the rest of the speakers.

In order to reproduce modern music in high quality, correctly displaying all the sound effects embedded in it, the speakers must be not just expensive, but also specially designed.

Effects embedded in movie soundtracks need an increased volume. Proceeding from this, manufacturers of audio components for Hi-End cinemas are betting primarily on sound power. The viewer, fascinated by a bright picture, in most cases does not notice some sound flaws, while listening to music can spoil the impression.

Taking into account the differences in home theater sound systems is necessary to understand what functions it will perform in the first place. Of course, the music system would easily play movies, but speakers specially tuned for this would make viewing more comfortable.


Selection rules

Before you buy a home theater, you need to pay special attention choice of audio system. This is important not only for lovers of high-quality sound when watching movies, but also for those who plan to use the Hi-End system for listening to music.

Buying an audio system trust your ears. Do not go into the study of complex terms and technical data, just listen to a few sound recordings. First of all, the system must meet exactly your needs.

Choose the speakers that sound most enjoyable to you.

pay attention to reputation of the selected brand. Do not be lazy to spend time and find out how high-quality products it produces. The presence of a technical passport, warranty and service are mandatory conditions that should be provided by a self-respecting company.Remember that you have been buying equipment that has to be used for many years.

When buying, you should pay attention to such characteristics as:

  • power - for a room of 20 square meters it must be at least 100 watts;
  • sensitivity - the higher the value, the more powerful the system is capable of producing sound;
  • frequency range - the area within which the system is capable of reproducing close to the original signal;
  • housing - closed, with integrated phase inverter, with built-in sound labyrinth;
  • acoustics type - floor or shelf.

In addition, a home cinema can be used to watch live TV channels and even combining with computer. That is why take a responsible attitude to the choice of the seller. The specificity of Hi-End technology makes it treat it as a complex system that needs high-quality tuning. Competent seller in addition to the delivery of equipment to take care of its installation and maintenance for the first time.

 Speakers vintage

The location of the system in the room

For a standard “surround sound” system in a home theater audio system there should be at least 5 speakers:

  • 2 located directly in front of the viewer;
  • 2 reproducing special effects and located behind;
  • 1 to play speech;
  • subwoofer for bass and bass.

Most modern Hi-End systems are equipped with transistor amplifiers, but sometimes, according to individual requirements, you can install tube lamps.

The standard column layout offers the following configuration:

  • the central system and special effects speakers are placed around the circumference of the viewer;
  • rear speakers are at some distance from the center .;
  • The subwoofer can be installed in any convenient place, for a better effect it is better to purchase at least two.

This arrangement best reproduces the atmosphere conceived by the filmmakers. This is how the hardware is located when creating movie effectstherefore its repetition will improve the sound quality.

In the diagram below you can consider the location of the speakers in the room in more detail.


Acquisition modern home theater - This is a serious step that requires careful thought. It is very important to realize that it is not enough just to buy expensive equipment. The main thing is to choose the right ones for your layouts components and properly positioned them.Use the services of professionals to avoid installation errors, and then a simple room turn into a real cinema.

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Continuing the theme:

How to choose the best home theater in 2017. The ten most popular models, their description and features. Important technical parameters, as well as the inherent advantages and disadvantages of the equipment.

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