Hookah or Vape: Which is Safer for Health

The strongest dependence of a person on smoking is rooted in the distant past. For the pleasure of tobacco smoking, people for many years are ready to poison their bodies. But to part with the pernicious habit is often not so simple: the blame is persistent physical and mental nicotine addiction, which is formed over the years. Not everyone has enough willpower to quit cigarettes at once, many are looking for “alternative” options: nicotine patches, hookah and electronic cigarettes (aka vape). Supporters of hookah and vape unanimously argue that it is completely safe for health and brings no less satisfaction than smoking cigarettes. Let's see what is more harmful: hookah or vape, and on what basis they work.

The principle of operation of the electronic cigarette

Vape is essentially electronic steam generator, in appearance and mechanism of action resembling an inhaler. Different manufacturers offer different designs of electronic cigarettes, but mostly modern devices for vap consist of two main elements - the battery mode and the atomizer.

The battery pack can be of two types: box mod and mechanical mod. The first type is presented in the form of a metal cylinder, inside which there is a board. In this case, the user can automatically adjust the output power, the resistance force of the spiral winding, find out the battery charge level. In the mechanical mode, as the name implies, the supply of voltage occurs mechanically, by your pressing the button.

 Principle of Vape

However, here you need to be careful when adjusting the resistance of the spiral and the output power: an incorrect setting can lead to an explosion of the battery.

The second important component of an electronic cigarette is atomizer or vaporizer. This is a special unit in which the evaporation of a liquid occurs and its further transition to the state of aggregation of steam.Most often, the atomizer is of two types: a classic tank for evaporation of a liquid and a drip - a spring with a cotton swab soaked in a non-combustible liquid, which, while hot, turns this liquid into steam. However, in fact, the classification of atomizers is complex and extensive, all varieties have their own nuances in the design and methods of application.

The principle of operation of the vape device is quite simple. Atomizer impregnated with liquid for vap is supplied with current. The current heats the coil to the desired temperature, and then the liquid evaporates in the atomizer. In the tank, the liquid is consumed evenly, while in Dripke the flow rate is much stronger, but an incredible amount of thick vapor is formed.

How does the hookah

Hookah, unlike vape, has a thousand-year history. Its construction consists of five main parts: a bowl (chilim), a saucer for coal, mines, flasks and a hose. In this case, the tobacco is laid in a special Chilim cup. Coals are kindled above it. The air heated to 200 degrees goes to the bowl through holes in the foil. From the number of holes in the foil and their size depends on the uniformity of flow and clean air.

For example, sometimes ash from burning coals can penetrate with the air.

Hot air envelops the tobacco, passes through it and is soaked in pairs, and then cooled in the mine. Heading into a flask with water, the air flow passes through a kind of water filtration (water takes up some of the harmful substances and impurities), and then the generated steam is sent to the hose. It turns out, using a hookah, a person inhales smoke, purified from harmful impurities and toxic combustion products.

 Hookah device

In 2013, a new concept appeared in the smoking and soaring industry - electronic hookah. For the first time the owner of the organization Starbuzz, which produces quite popular and branded tobacco for hookah, announced this unusual novelty. At the same time, this company launched the sale of electronic cigarettes, shaped like hooks for hookah pipes, with interchangeable flavor cartridges. To taste, they resembled exactly the same tastes of branded tobacco, but did not contain nicotine. Later it became clear that in its essence the electronic hookah is practically no different from an electronic cigarette. The only noticeable difference is that there is no need to self-refill the liquid, because the device works on the principle of changing cartridges.

What are the advantages of vape and hookah

Of course, the most effective method to quit smoking is to stop using any type of smoking once and for all and not to resort to alternatives. However, many people try to hookah and vape not at all from the desire to replace this with cigarettes, but rather for pleasure and relaxation. Consider the positive features of both the old hookah, which our distant ancestors were fond of, and the newfangled vaping.

  1. Significantly less harm to health than from regular cigarettes. In the wipe, you can independently control the level of nicotine fluid, or even choose the options with the minimum content of this substance. In addition, the vape does not leave a yellow plaque on the teeth and an unpleasant smell on the skin and clothing.
  2. In the hookah, thanks to a water filter, the smoke is significantly cleared of toxic substances, and also the nicotine content is reduced. The carcinogenic effects of hookah smoke on the body are also minimized. Tobacco used for hookah, does not contain paper (unlike cigarette tobacco), which means that the harmful products of its combustion do not enter the body.
     Tobacco for hookah

  3. Both vape and hookah are officially allowed by law.And the first can be smoked (or rather, soar) anywhere, even indoors. Such devices can not harm the health of others you people, whereas cigarette smoke is harmful even when inhaled. It is not for nothing that the term "passive smoker" exists.
  4. Many use hookah device for breathing exercises. To do this, you can pour water into the flask, useful medicinal or herbal infusion. Adjust the resistance force by selecting the required liquid level in the flask. Thus, a hookah can perfectly play the role of the Frolov simulator.
  5. When you use vape and hookah you are completely protected against fire risk. Electronic cigarettes work on the battery, so you definitely will not have to use an open flame.
  6. The aroma when smoking devices for vap or hookah is much more pleasant than cigarette smoke - the blessing, the assortment of “tasty” liquids and smoking mixtures is now very rich.
     Smoking liquids

In fact, not everything is so harmless

Despite the fact that on the vap devices and in the usual hookah the combustion process does not occur, and the user is maximally protected from the ingress of harmful substances into the body, not everything is so rosy.Consumption of electronic cigarettes and pleasant gatherings with inhalation of hookah smoke is not as safe as it seems (although the harm from them is incomparable with the harm from traditional smoking).

  1. In addition to nicotine, the resulting vaper pair contains small quantities. various metals, substances formed as a result of the breakdown of propylene glycol and glycerin, as well as arsenic. Yes, they enter the body in the most minimal doses, but they can potentially trigger destructive processes in it. For example, diacetyl leads to thinning of the lung tissue. Inhalation of vapor may also cause pulmonary emphysema over time, which, if other negative factors are present and hereditary predisposition, can lead to cancer, tracheal diseases, larynx and cardiovascular diseases.
  2. The exact composition of the vape filling fluid is also not always known. In fact, it may contain much more nicotine and other undeclared substances than stated on etiquette. As a result, along with moistened steam, unsafe components penetrate deep into the bronchi and lungs.
  3. Often, hookah is smoked in large companies, passing the mouthpiece to each other in turn, which means there is risk of catching any infection (herpes, hepatitis B, etc.). In this case, it is better to protect yourself in advance, do not be lazy to change the mouthpieces and use disposable tips.
  4. Smokers with the transition to vap or hookah get in the process of puffing a much smaller proportion of nicotine. It encourages them smoke much more often, forming another dependency. Together with the increased doses of nicotine, the products of tobacco combustion, for example, oxides of nitrogen and carbon, also enter the body.
  5. Both vape and hookah have a very pleasant aroma and taste that lures teenswho never used cigarettes. The result is a dependence on the seemingly innocuous use of steam or hookah smoke. Initial excitement gradually becomes a habit, and then young people are drawn to “real” cigarettes, and even narcotic substances. At youth hookah parties, it is often the case that instead of water and milk alcoholic beverages are charged into the flask, and tobacco and marijuana are added to the smoking mixture, which will undoubtedly cause real harm to the body.

Dependence on vape and hookah

Of course, the main reason for the formation of addiction both when hovering vape and when smoking hookah is the amount of nicotine in one or another quantity.The occurrence and development of addiction is influenced by the frequency of smoking. In the case of classic cigarettes, everything is clear: after a few cases of smoking, the hand begins to involuntarily reach for the pack.

Hookah is safer in this regard, so the development of dependence is almost impossible. You will agree that it will take a long time to properly prepare and smoke a hookah, and it will hardly be possible to use it more than once a day. Quality hookah has a high price, and if you order this service in a restaurant or cafe, you will have to fork out for a lot. Most hookah fans allow themselves to hold a hookah ceremony only occasionally, for example, on holidays, on weekends, in a company. Why not indulge yourself from time to time? This does not lead to dependence, but only contributes to relaxation, reducing anxiety and elevation of mood.

 Relaxation with a hookah

But vape in terms of the development of dependence is fraught with more danger. In terms of frequency and ease of use, smoking electronic cigarettes is almost no different from regular smoking. Anxious smoker with experience vape will help to reconsider their views on smoking and pay attention to the "soaring".But the one who never smoked ordinary cigarettes, starting vape, eventually will develop an unhealthy attachment to nicotine.

Do vape and hookah help in refusing cigarettes?

Is it possible to stop smoking completely by switching to alternatives such as hookah or vap? Quite, but vap in this situation is the best assistant. First, you will get a tiny charge of nicotine, therefore, a certain satisfaction from smoking. Secondly, the mood will immediately increase, anxiety will go away and stress will decrease. Other harmful components that are contained in the fluid for refueling, along with steam will enter your lungs only in small quantities. In any case, you will have to personally fight the addiction to nicotine use, but at the time of this harm from smoking will be much less.

But to use a hookah as a substitute for the usual pack of cigarettes, most likely, will not work. In essence, this means a one-time smoking cessation. As mentioned above, the hookah is real smoking ceremonyrequiring some time to cook. Thus, during the day, your body will need nicotine,and it will be possible to get it with a hookah only in the evening, after work. As a result, an increased level of stress and nervousness are ensured for the whole day.

Consider one more thing: for one hour of inhalation of fragrant hookah smoke, you will absorb the maximum amount of nicotine that one cigarette contains.

 The company smokes a hookah

If you have never tried to smoke, and would like to try for the sake of interest - in no case get a pack of cigarettes, it is better to stop your Hookah selection. After that, you yourself decide whether to continue at all. And since the choice itself will be deliberate, the addiction will not have time to form.

Vap or hookah without nicotine

The ardent supporters of a healthy lifestyle have long discovered the use of tobacco-free mixtures for hookah and vape filling fluids that do not contain nicotine. In this case, in smoking mixtures, the basis is no longer a tobacco leaf, but vegetable components, for example, beets or stalks of free-growing sugar cane. They do not contain nicotine, the risk of harm to health is minimal, which means that you can easily entertain yourself and others with a blast of tasty smoke, and spend the so-called “relaxation”.The same applies to nicotine-free liquids for electronic cigarettes and electronic hookahs. However, there is still no scientific confirmation of the complete security of these devices - not enough statistics and numbers. After all, vap devices have appeared on the market quite recently, and it is too early to judge how much they are more harmful than hookahs and regular cigarettes.

On the one hand, it is obvious that the evaporation of water will not cause any harm to the body. On the other hand, one should not forget that glycerin, propylene glycol and various perfumery fragrances are not intended for ingestion. In addition, in the process of heating, the aromatic essence undergoes decay into toxic elements, which over time can cause the development of many respiratory diseases.

We examined in detail what the difference between hookah and vape is. Of course, if you decide to quit long-term smoking, then a hookah or electronic cigarette will be a good option in the fight against addiction. Nevertheless, there is a perception that smoking in such a lightweight way as vape speaks only about a person’s weakness and his inability to break with the addiction once and for all.

Comments: 2
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Comments: 2
Ivan / 03/27/2018 at 03:08

Before you pour about the harm of steam and hookah, you need to provide the results of examinations of air in cities, the content of chemistry in food and drink from a department store. It is also considered to be the norm among fats to crush sweets and cakes over tea (while discussing the horrors of hookah smoke apparently), the harm from this shit is enormous, the chemistry and flavors of the car are there!

    Anastasia Bochkareva / 02/01/2018 at 02:05

    The same glycerin is added to the food industry, also to cosmetics, then the information is incorrectly indicated, namely, not “perfumery fragrance”, but food flavoring, which is used in confectionery products, beverages, sauces, etc.undoubtedly, they are added to other food products, without it being cheap and angry. In general, the article is interesting more detailed comparison, in order to be a person aware of what he uses and poisons his body, or decide on his desires to try something new.


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