How to stop smoking electronic cigarettes

Electronic cigarettes (wipes) - devices with electronic control, in appearance resembling ordinary cigarettes. Vape devices do not contain tobacco, but are filled with special liquids, which include aromatic substances, glycerin, propylene glycol and nicotine. Quit smoking an electronic cigarette is quite easy than it seems. To cope with this task, you need the right mental attitude and a desire to get rid of vape addiction.

Fight against physiological addiction

E-liquids for e-cigarettes contain nicotine in various concentrations. The higher the dosage - the stronger the dependence on the vap is at the physiological level. The highest concentration is 36 mg / mlHowever, such slurries are usually not used in pure form, but are added to self-replacements to increase the strength.Liquids, on the label of which 0 mg / ml is indicated, do not contain nicotine at all.


Important! Many manufacturers claim that they use in the fluids for vaping unique purified nicotine, supposedly not harmful to health and does not cause drug addiction. In reality, this is nothing more than an advertising ploy.

People who smoke extremely strong wipes are recommended to smoothly lower their nicotine dosage in filling fluids. A sharp rejection of the electronic cigarette can cause a deterioration of health, namely:

  • headaches;
  • increased nervous irritability;
  • insomnia;
  • dizziness;
  • pressure drops.

You can overcome physical dependence on vap in just 2 weeks. To do this, smoothly, day by day, switch to a liquid with a lower content of nicotine.

 Girl smokes vape

Plan for 14 days:

  • From 1 to 3 day. Reduce dosage from 24 mg / ml to 18 mg / ml. This process will not cause much discomfort, since both liquids are quite strong and are not inferior in content to nicotine to regular cigarettes.
  • From 4 to 8 day. Decrease in concentration from 18 mg / ml to 12 mg / ml. For chain smokers, this period may be the most difficult and, in most cases, the turning point.
  • From 9 to 12 day.During this period, it is necessary to change the dosage from 12 mg / ml to 8 mg / ml. At this stage, the nicotine addiction is already noticeably reduced, the craving for smoking of vape is no longer so strong.
  • From 13 to 14 days. Transfer from a concentration of 8 mg / ml liquid to zero (non-nicotine gum).

By the end of the second week, you will notice that you have easily overcome the nicotine addiction. Now you can go to the second stage - getting rid of the psychological attachment to the vape.

Fighting psychological attachment

The habit of smoking (or, as the vapers say, “float”) is firmly put off in the mind. Often the desire to "hover" occurs during a period of stress or during working breaks. All this is nothing more than a habit from which you can and should get rid of.

In the fight against psychological attachment, the “replacement” technique works well. This means that you need to find something that will replace the electronic cigarette. The following options are considered the most effective:

  • Lollipops. It is recommended to replace the electronic cigarette with liquid with mint flavor with mint or eucalyptus candies.
  • Chewing gum. Chewing gum helps relieve psychological stress.Try to pick a chewing gum that tastes like vape pairs (strawberry, citrus, menthol, mint, etc.).
  • Sunflower seeds, nuts, crackers, dried fruits. They help to get distracted in moments when you want to smoke.

 Sunflower seeds

You should not postpone the plan for a long time. If you are determined to stop smoking vape, then start today.

The dependence on electronic cigarettes is not as strong as on ordinary cigarettes, because their vapors do not contain many harmful alkaloids present in tobacco smoke.

If you overcome nicotine addiction, it will be very easy to cope with psychological dependence on cigarettes. To start, reduce the number of hoverings up to 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening, and after a few days only up to once a day. Gradually, you will notice that all the less often you remember about the device and practically do not feel discomfort because you no longer smoke.

 Smoking vape

Complete relief from vaping

The final task on the path to getting rid of vape addiction is getting rid of an e-cigarette so that it is no longer in your home. This is the only way to completely overcome a bad habit. You can give your vap to a person who wants to get rid of tobacco addiction.In extreme cases, the device can simply be thrown away.

It is not recommended to leave the vape in the apartment, even if you put it in the farthest box. The desire to succumb to temptation and return to the old habit may be too great, so you need to completely get rid of the device.

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