Music Center

A music center is a set of audio equipment for listening to music. Modern audio equipment is equipped with a power supply and microprocessor control system. There is a common display that performs many functions. The musical centers have a short biography - today their history is only just beginning. But at the basis of the appearance lies the birth of the laser disc, for the appearance of which one should thank the German company Philips and the Japanese brand Sony.

Music centers, regardless of manufacturer, are of three types. These include systems: micro, mini and midi. They differ not only in size. The main differences include the sound power - the more powerful the speakers, the more qualitative the sound extracted, as well as the number of loaded discs and the design of the kit.

Although music systems support CD and DVD formats, there are other formats, in particular, MP3, which is popular and in demand, which is suitable for all modern equipment.This format is compact, has good quality records, not too voluminous in size. Thanks to MP3, which appeared almost 10 years ago, there is an improvement in stereo systems, their power and quality are growing, and the cost is decreasing.

Video camera

Home cinema

Music Center