Why headphones work quietly

In headphones, many listen to music, play games without disturbing others. However, it often happens that a headset, initially having an excellent volume, loses it over time. Listening to music brings discomfort: you have to strain your ears. What to do if your favorite headphones, which you almost never part with, began to play quietly, and why is this happening?

 Girl listening to music on headphones

Main reasons

Because of what the headphones quietly began to transmit sound, to find out is not as easy as it seems at first glance. There are several reasons.

  1. If one earphone works a little worse - a quiet sound, extraneous rustles, then maybe its contact is closed to the housing. It is necessary to check the plug for breakdown.
  2. One of the speakers demagnetizedtherefore, it became much quieter to sound. In quality products, the likelihood of such a defect is reduced to zero, but devices from China sometimes suffer from this - repair is impossible,Only buy a new product.
  3. In headphones with long life can accumulate foreign debriswhich shields the sound and does not allow its product to be disassembled and cleaned with a brush.
  4. When the sound is different - one of the headphones has a quieter sound, then try check balance.
  5. If there is a volume violation in the direction of the left or right device, then you need to check them on another product, for example, connect to a laptop - everything is in order, then the settings in the phone are to blame.
  6. High humidity, fall or mechanical damage cord may cause a temporary lull in one or the other earpiece.

 Plug damage

Having certain skills in working with electronic devices, you can independently dismantle the product and find out the state of the sound card, otherwise you need to contact the service wizards.

Human factor

Young people tend to listen to their favorite tracks in their headphones, turning on the sound at full power. With such a habit, even small “pills” inserted into the ears, can eventually damage your membranes. After a long time of such stormy listening, your hearing is dulled, and it seems to you that at the headphones the sound becomes quiet or one earpiece is louder than the other. Rest for a few days - the rumor will return to normal. If not, then contact an otolaryngologist immediately.

Yellow-brown grease protects our hearing organs. But when it gets on the headphones for internal use, it can clog the metal mesh and it seems that the product has a quiet sound or it does not work at all.

 Dirty headphones

There are cases when only one of the headphones is clogged stronger - this is due to the anatomical features of the user's auditory passages.

There is only one way to get rid of this problem - wash and clean the mesh improvised means by simple method.

  1. We take hydrogen peroxide in tablets or 3% solution - this substance is used to clean the ears when sulfur plugs occur. It is freely sold in any pharmacy. Some users clean with alcohol, but it is better to use it for other purposes, and even it is much more expensive, and the effect is the same.
  2. For an improvised bath, where we will bathe the mesh from the headphones, an ordinary cork from a plastic bottle will do.
     Headphones and hydrogen peroxide
  3. Fill the solution with no more than half of the lid, then carefully lower the mesh into it and fix it so that nothing falls on the speaker.
  4. We bathe the grid for about 10 minutes, then conduct similar actions with the second product.
  5. After removing the earpiece from the bath, it is necessary to keep it vertically and with the mesh down until it is completely dry (at least 1 hour).

Check the quality of washing visually and connect the device to the phone - the headphones began to work, the sound was the same, it means that all actions were performed correctly. Enjoy listening.

Comments: 1
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Comments: 1
Sasha / 07/15/2018 at 07:12

I have one earpiece working and the other one doesn’t have anything to do if the earphone works very quietly


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