How to remove the unpleasant smell from the dishwasher

Most of the owners of dishwashers are faced with various problems during the operation of the device, and one of these problems is the unpleasant smell inside the dishwasher or compartment where the dishes are placed. How to remove it? To avoid this, you should clean the machine at least once every few months. Only in this case the smell from the dishwasher will not be a hassle.

Causes of smell

The reasons for the emergence of such a "flavor" can be completely different. To determine the correct, you should spend a few simple procedures. First of all, you need to check the filter, for this you need to study the instructions and find out where it is located drain filter your dishwasher.To pull it out, you need to remove the bottom rack, take out the part and rinse it under running warm water, wipe it with a damp cloth and put it back.

Sometimes on rubber gasketlocated on the door of the device, dirt may form. To remove it, just wipe the surface with a damp cloth or sponge, and afterwards with a dry piece of cloth. In the lower part of the machine, water often accumulates; it must be cleaned in time using a special rinsing mode, which must be started again after the dishes are pulled out of the compartment.

 Dirt in rubber gasket

Often, leftover food and dirt remain inside the drain hose, for this reason it causes an unpleasant smell in the dishwasher. It must be disconnected from the device and thoroughly cleaned of debris. Owners of machines should always remember that the hose should be installed under the sink at a height of at least 40-100 cm from the floor surface. If this requirement is not met, the water from the device is not able to fully pour into the sewage.

Installing a new dishwasher should always be trusted by specialists.

Available cleaning methods

The unpleasant smell inside the dishwashers is removed quite simply, while it is not at all necessary to resort to the help of ultra-expensive means — for this procedure, cheap and affordable methods will be suitable for everyone.

  1. To remove the problem at the initial stage, you need to pour half a glass of ordinary glass to the bottom of the dishwasher. baking soda, run any program and let the device go through a full wash cycle, but without dishes.
  2. To remove both dirt and scale, you can pour a full cup into the bottom of the machine. table vinegar, then you need to turn on the program with the highest temperature.
  3. For more effective cleansing, you must purchase special means with a chemical composition that can clean the device much faster and more efficiently. They perfectly remove fat, eliminate scale, but at the same time will cost more.

Cleaning the machine with vinegar

How to prevent a problem

Solving the problem will not cause trouble, if you prevent it in advance, as well as learn how to remove the smell in the early stages. When using the dishwasher, it is enough to observe these elementary operating rules:

  • cleaning dishes from the remnants of food before the washing process;
  • stable cleaning of the machine once in two months;
  • start rinsing mode after loading dishes inside the device;
  • lemon slice, placed in the instrument compartment, to eliminate odor.

In order not to look for answers to the question of how to remove the unpleasant smell from the internal parts of the dishwasher, you only need to adhere to regular proper cleaning machines. It can also significantly extend the performance of the device.

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