Why is the dishwasher constantly draining water

What if the dishwasher drains water instead of washing the dishes?And it repeats constantly. Find out the reasons for what happened.

The essence of the machine

When the dishwasher is loaded, water is drawn in through the inlet valve and is heated to the optimum temperature. Water through the rocker sprinkles on the dishes. All removed dirt flows to the bottom of the compartment and is filtered with fine and coarse filters. Water can be recruited and successfully discharged into the sewer.


When draining the water, the dishwasher makes usually strange sounds in the form of a buzz during the whole work. We give the signs by which you can determine the fault:

  1. The error code is displayed.
  2. No response when pressing buttons.
  3. The dishwasher does not restart after turning it off and on again.
  4. Water periodically poured and drained again.
  5. Permanent causeless noise.

The reasons for the constant discharge of water

    1. Illiterate assembly, often found in low-cost Chinese models.
    2. Do not wash off the remnants of food before loading dishes in the car.
    3. Broken socket.
    4. Cold water hose not securely attached.
    5. Poor detergent.
    6. The dishwasher's door is not tightly closed.
    7. Incorrect loading of dishes (the top should be filled with plates, and the bottom - with pots).

How to troubleshoot technical problems

To eliminate these faults, it is necessary to pump and pour water from the sump. Water should not be in the Aqua Stop sensor, if such a button is available.

In order for the water to merge safely, professionals advise to tilt the dishwasher by 45 degrees and then try to start it again.

In machines that have “Aqua Stop”mechanicalrather than electric, you'll have to replace the hose.

This problem can occur if the tank is cracked. In this case, you have to completely disassemble the machine. It is better to turn to specialists who know this business better.

 Dishwasher tank

How to fix the dishwasher with your own hands

First you need to familiarize yourself with the instructions, it describes in detail the finding of the main parts. A float switch protects against leakage and permanent water drainage. It must be carefully examined. The drain unit consists of a drainage pipe, which is connected to a common sewer. If you are well versed in the dishwasher device, you can do it. If not, then only the master will help. A professional will perform the necessary troubleshooting work.

 Dishwasher device

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