How to thread a sewing machine

Before the sewing machine can perform its work, the owner needs to make some technical adjustments, without which the operation of the machine is simply impossible. To one of these settings include threading. Although this process is notable for its simplicity, some novice hostesses do not always know how to thread the top and bottom threads in a sewing machine.

 Sewing machine

How to install the upper thread

Threading the upper thread begins with the installation of the coil on a pin specially designed for it on the upper part of the sewing machine body. After that, the upper thread must be stretched through the thread guide and then through the needle. In modern models, there is no need for manual adjustment of the thread tension in the sewing machine: the smart technology itself sets the necessary level of tension for comfortable work.

How to fill up old sewing machine? The algorithm of this process practically does not differ from what is given above. A slight difference can be observed in the design of the model of the machine itself. Not all old devices have a tensioner, so the thread is threaded like this: pass it through the thread guide and then into the eye of the needle.

Note that before threading the needle into the needle, the holding foot and the needle itself must be in the upper position. To do this, turn the handwheel so that the needle reaches the desired position.

 Threading the upper thread


How to thread the lower thread

In order for the machine to perform its functions, it needs a lower thread, which must be wound on a bobbin and threaded into the corresponding hole in the working table. How to thread the bottom thread in a sewing machine? The process consists of several successive stages.

Bobbin refill

Pull left and remove the extra table from the typewriter. Remove the shuttle plate and turn flywheelby placing the needle in the upper position. Pull out the bobbin mechanism by pulling on its edge, and remove the bobbin itself from the mechanism case.

 Bobbin device

Winding the yarn on the bobbin can be done by securing the spool of thread on the top pin,and connecting it with the niktoderzhateley "cross-wise", so that the edge of the thread went back towards the flywheel. Place the bobbin on the second pin and fasten the thread on it, making several turns around the case. Pressing the pedal or rotating the flywheel wind the thread onto the bobbin.

Make sure that the thread is threaded into the bobbin case from the inside to the outside.

Bobbin setting

Insert the bobbin into the bobbin mechanism. Make sure the thread is unwinding. clockwiseand thread it into the special hole on the mechanism case. Return the bobbin mechanism to the shuttle and lower the tongue to its original position.

Be sure to lower the tongue of the machine after installing the bobbin mechanism in its place. This will lock it in a fixed position.

 Threading the lower thread

Tips on car care

Many people mistakenly believe that the sewing machine does not require special attention to care, and that even in poor condition it will be able to perform its main function - sewing. Far from it. The sewing machine will serve you much longer and will sew much faster and quieter if you follow simple rules for caring for it.

  1. Periodically lubricate internal parts special oil that comes with the unit. The frequency of the procedure is every six months.
  2. Pick up threads and needles correctly. Make sure the needle matches the type of fabric you are working with.
  3. Exercise cleaning of internal mechanisms using a special brush.

It is worth considering the fact that working with such types of fabrics as knitwear, fur and wool, the above procedures should be carried out a little more often than usual.

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