How to quickly and accurately clean the washing machine

Even the purchase of the most expensive and modern washing equipment will not save from pollution, which lead to breakage. To prevent this from happening, the washing machine needs proper care, including hygiene. To restore order it is better to learn in advance how to properly clean the washing machine from dirtand then get to work.

What is cleaning for?

First, let's figure out why we even need to clean the washing machine. The fact is that various types of dirt and mineral deposits accumulate on plastic and metal parts during operation. This happens for a number of reasons:

  1. Too hard water.
  2. Improper use of technology.
  3. The use of detergents with a high content of chemicals.

Experts advise to clean the washing machine at least twice a month.

 Scum on the heating element

Cleaning methods

How to clean your washing machine quickly and efficiently? You can wash it yourself at home or invite the wizard. In the first version, you have to do everything yourself, and before you think about it, what tools are best suited for cleaning. The second method will save you from many troubles, but it will cost more, and the result of the work may not meet your expectations.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to find a professional behind loud words and bright advertising signs. Call the master - it is always buying a cat in a bag.

If you decide to trust the master, it will not be superfluous to read reviews about his work. In this article we will look at ways washing machine care at home.

 TEN before and after cleaning the washing machine

Surface cleaning

The dirt on the front of any home appliance is striking first. Even with careful use, never to stain a washer is very difficult. Traces of powder, bleach or rusty water remain on the surface. For this kind of dirt, a piece of cloth dipped in warm water and any cleaning agent will suffice.If there is no cleaner for washing machines at home, the usual one will do. dishwashing liquid.

 Wiping the surface of the washing machine

Drum cleaning

Signal for drum cleaning is an unpleasant smell from the inside. To eliminate it, you need to turn on the washing mode - from 60 to 90 0C, add a cleaner for washing machines of your choice and flush the system.

For greater efficiency, it is better to clean the drum with a soak program. This will help get rid of mold and stagnant contamination.

The drum is one of the sensitive elements in the washing machine, if you do not take care of it properly, then sooner or later it will lead to its breakdown. During the washing period, in order to avoid breakdowns, you should add pills for softening hard water.

 Cleaning the drum of a washing machine


The scum is the accumulation of salts on the heating elements and the most terrible enemy of any typewriter machine. The main reason for the formation of rust plaque is unnecessarily hard water. Moreover, frequent use of the Intensive wash mode contributes to the concentration of scale.

There are many tools to combat salt deposits. You can use ready-made store powders, for example, the cleaner of “Eon Universal” or resort to vinegar care and citric acid.

There is only one correct answer to the question how to clean the washing machine machine from scale without replacing the heating element - run the washing program several times with the selected agent at high temperatures.

For powder "Eon" enough temperature in 60 0C, vinegar or citric acid is better to scroll at 90 0WITH.

Scale reduces the efficiency of the ten. A weakly working heating element consumes more electricity, and with a significant layer of plaque, the drum starts to rotate badly. All this leads to heavy mechanical damage to the entire system. Therefore, it is important not only to clean the machine regularly with cleaners, but also to observe preventive measures.

  1. Do not exceed when washing the mark of 50 degrees, this temperature is enough to remove even strong contaminants.
  2. It is important not only how, but also how you wash things. Choose high-quality powders.
  3. Use purified water or install magnetic filters to soften hard water (for more details, see the article on different types of filters for washing machines).

If you follow these simple rules, the machine will serve you for many years.

Hoses and filters

The filter is the primary place for sedimentation of major contaminants. That is its main task - to prevent the penetration of dirt further. Remove accumulated trash from the filter possible in several stages:

  1. Prepare a small container to drain the remaining water, substitute the bottom of the machine.
  2. Find a small door or a removable panel at the bottom of the washing machine. You may need to open a screwdriver.
  3. After removing the panel, pull the filter out and clean it from dirt. Twist the element should be counterclockwise.

Often dirt accumulates in the drain hose, which leads to clogging. You can contact the master, but we know how to clean the drain yourself! Just need to detach the hose and rinse it with clean water.

Each model of washing equipment drain system is different. To find the right hose is recommended to read the individual instructions.

However, the security rules for all are the same:

  1. Unplug the machine from the mains.
  2. Shut off the water.
  3. Drain the remaining liquid using a drain filter.
  4. Disconnect the drain hose from the drain.

After removing the drain hose, it will be more efficient not only to rinse it under the tap, but to clean it with a brush.

 Washer Hose

Cleaning products

All means for cleaning the washing machine can be divided into two types - ready-made powders and popular recipes.

Scouring Powders:

  1. Powder cleaner for washing machines brand Dr Beckmann perfectly copes with dirt, soap and limescale.
  2. Calgon. Thanks to powerful advertising, this tool everyone knows. It softens the water, and thus fights with scum. To clean the dirt and already existing plaque, this powder is not intended.
  3. Eon cleaner consists of components aimed at removing limescale accumulations. Suitable for all types of household appliances, where there is a heating element.
  4. "Doctor Teng" - a universal tool designed to combat all types of pollution. Partly eliminates unpleasant odor.

 Eon from scum
Folk ways:

  1. Citric acid perfectly cleans the PETN and drum. For efficiency, it is required to run a long wash cycle at high temperatures.
  2. Acetic acid is quite effective, but an aggressive remedy, not suitable for frequent use.
  3. Chlorine-containing bleaches are used in the same way as vinegar and lemongrass, but their essential drawback is a strong and unpleasant smell. Whiteness can not be used indoors.

 Cleaning the drum with vinegar

Reactive cleaning

If you are tired of the long cleaning process, you can use the system "Fly Lady", developed in America. The name “Fly Lady” stands for “jet hostesses”, and the literal translation is “flying lady”. The system teaches how to maintain order in the house, constantly performing small tasks instead of general cleaning on weekends.

The Fly Lady system works according to the following principles:

  1. Cleaning takes 15-20 minutes, but every day, instead of several hours once a week.
  2. The island of purity is the pride of the housewife, the place where it is always clean.
  3. It is better to do a little and get pleasure from it than to tidy up the whole apartment and get exhausted.
  4. Apply a timer and stop working after its signal.
  5. Make a cleaning plan and follow it.
  6. Keep a written record of planned and completed cases.

Of course, the Fly Lady system is very controversial, a busy and socially active person has no time to keep reports on cleaning the house, but there is some truth in it.You can use phased cleaning and apply it, including cleaning the washing machine.

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Continuing the theme:

Rating washing machines for quality and reliability. Ten best stand-alone models, their features and important technical parameters. Advantages and disadvantages, the price level.

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