Cleaning on your own TENA washing machine from scale

The water that enters the washing machine is far from ideal. It is very tough and has a large amount of impurities that adversely affect the work of most of the elements that come into contact with it. A common problem is the formation of scale on the heating elements, and therefore it is necessary to know how to clean it. Consider a few simple and affordable methods, as well as methods for the prevention of plaque.

Causes of scaling

First you need to make sure that cleaning is really necessary. To do this, partially disassemble the washing machine and take a look at its internal details. In this case, some knowledge of technology, or at least the help of the Internet, will not be superfluous, since each model has its own design nuances.

If you notice a hard coating on the surface of the heating element that cannot be removed with a cloth, this means that the machine really needs cleaning.

 Scum in washing machine

Causes of scaling:

  1. As already mentioned, hard and dirty tap water flows into the washing machine.
  2. The presence of various chemical components in the composition of cleaning products.
  3. Frequent use of the machine in enhanced mode.

We clean the tubular electric heater

TEN is 10 times more prone to breakdowns, which often occur because of scale. Moreover, this problem is getting closer with each wash. And here comes the moment when, due to the large accumulation of scale, the automatic program even can't run the wash. It will be clear that the electric heater is out of order when the machine is in the middle of work, suddenly turn off. The problem is clear, therefore it is necessary to start its elimination.

Citric acid cleaning

"Lemon" is very often used for cleaning scale. The amount needed for cleaning is determined by how much the tubular element “overgrown”. On a machine with a 5 kilogram load of linen will need approximately 5 bags of citric acid.One needs to fall asleep in the drum, and the rest - in the department for powder. After that, select the wash mode at 95 degrees temperature.

At the end of the wash, scum will come off with the water. The only thing worth worrying about is that it does not block the drain hose, otherwise punch him.

This cleaning method can be used no more often than 1 time in 2 weeks.

 Cleaning the washing machine with citric acid

Acetic Acid Cleaning

Cleaning with vinegar is a less popular method, but also topical. It is worth remembering that this acid much more aggressivethan the previous one, so you need to be extremely careful not to damage the rubber parts of the machine. But this option will cope with the tena bloom much faster.

Only 50 ml must be poured into the powder compartment to cope with the problem. But all this is done only at your own peril and risk, since it is impossible to predict what the results will be.

 Cleaning the washing machine with vinegar

Self cleaning TENA

Asking how to clean yourself TEN washing machine, you must be able to disassemble the device. Complete disassembly is not required, you only need to remove the heater. Next, you need to “arm yourself” with a spatula and clean the heating elements from scale as accurately as possible.The main thing is not to damage it during this procedure.

Scale prevention

Prevention is divided into two types:

  • Physical.
  • Chemical.

Physical prevention It is a special device with several magnets installed in a hose through which water is supplied. Due to the fact that magnets create a resonance and thereby change the structural formula of water, insoluble precipitate is prevented from occurring, even when washed at high temperatures.

Chemical prevention is to use a special additive in the course of washing. Thus, the insoluble precipitate still dissolves. There are a lot of such funds on the market, the most common is Calgon, but there are others that incorporate sodium tripolyphosphates. It is added with the powder.

 Calgon for washing machine

In order to avoid damage to the tissues, it is best to use this tool at idle and before that carefully study the instructions.

In addition, ordinary soda ash can soften the water. But be that as it may, the main thing is to correctly indicate the proportions, otherwise the cleaning of the heating element of a household washing machine will simply be inevitable.

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