How to clean the drum of the washing machine from dirt

As a result of frequent use of washing equipment, its drum is gradually becoming dirty. This leads to unpleasant smell, the emergence of mold, as well as the pollution of the linen itself. This problem affected all housewives and made them think about how to clean the drum of the washing machine from the accumulated dirt. We will understand in more detail how to cope with this task.

Search for perpetrators

Dirt may enter the device in several ways:

  1. Scum. It may form on the walls with time. It is not difficult to remove it, but there is a danger of spreading over the internal parts of the apparatus, as well as in the heating element. Scale leads to a malfunction of the heating element and moving parts in the washing machine.The main reason for the appearance is water containing metal salts. To soften the water, before each wash, add special products with powder. According to experts, such chemicals cause damage to the device. It is recommended that flow filters be used instead, which will purify the incoming water. Scum in washing machine
  2. Dirty linen is possible.sandother solid particles, foreign objects from pockets, for example, trivia, paper clips, pins. A raid of grease and dust settles on washing machine drum, creating a favorable environment for the growth of mold and bacteria. To avoid additional debris, pull everything out of your clothing pockets before loading items. Shake large pieces of litter before washing. Wash using a special bag that protects parts from falling into threads and lint.
  3. Chemical residues accumulate due to the use of low-quality drugs, which are only partially dissolved in water. Another reason could be the addition of too much chemical to clean household appliances.
  4. Fat residues deposited in the form of dark sticky plaque.Formed when washing work clothes that are excessively stained with greasy, oily substances that are difficult to clean. Dirt in the washing machine drum


On the shelves of shops represented a lot pollution control products the drum. Choosing ready-made tools, you will spend less time and effort to eliminate the problem. There is also an alternative method, more economical, but equally effective. Ask for help. to popular recipes.

The most popular substances used at home:

  • Lemon acid - copes with pollution, is part of the majority of cleaning products offered by stores. Lemon acid

  • Acetic acid - similar to the principle of lemon.
  • Baking soda - used in conjunction with other components.
  • Bleach - perfectly removes unpleasant odor.
  • Copper sulfate - used for disinfecting treatment, eliminates mold, fungus. Copper sulfate

Exposure methods

Each of these tools is very effective, but it should be applied correctly:

  • Bleach, citric, acetic acid - poured directly into the drum machine. Run the program at temperatures above 60 degrees.The duration of the procedure should take at least an hour. Upon completion of the established program, perform a double rinse, which will eliminate the remnants of the substance. After the operation, scum and dirt will disappear without a trace.
  • Baking soda works very differently. Cleaning is done by hand, with a cloth with a small amount of soda. Continue cleaning until dirt begins to drain. Take about a half hour break, letting the soda begin to interact with the dirt. Then continue to intensively scour the walls until the complete removal of plaque. If you slightly moisten the treated areas, the effect will increase.

High cost washing appliances, usually supplemented special programdesigned to clean the drum.

Enough to do the cleaning run mode, washing the device from pollution, and wait for its completion. This feature does not help to remove scale from the washing machine: it is designed to remove greasy deposits and mold.

Do not forget about the important

Observe the degree of clogging of the remaining parts of the unit. If the drum outside is covered with a scale of scale, then there is also a deposit inside.

  • Drain filter. It should be cleaned after each wash. This requirement is specified in the instructions and is mandatory, because solid garbage accumulates during filtration. Drain filter in the washing machine
  • Rubber cuff hatch must also be cleaned upon completion of each use. When excessive moisture occurs mold and microbes. To eliminate it, wipe the place of its formation with a solution of copper sulfate. The substance must act for several hours, after which it is necessary to wash the cuff with warm water and wipe dry. Read more about cleaning gum. here. Rubber cuff washing machine

  • The inner surface of the tank, the pulley, the heating element cause more difficulties, since they can only be cleaned when disassembling the equipment. Sometimes it is possible to fix the problem with chemistry, but in the most neglected cases, no means will have the effect. Requires manual cleaning of parts, or their replacement.


Washing machine - our indispensable tool in daily affairs. Therefore, careful care device is a mandatory procedure. During the use of the unit, dirt and scale build up on various parts of the apparatus. This may be due to various reasons.The result of this contamination is an unpleasant odor, soiled laundry and broken machine mechanisms.

Cleaning the drum should be carried out following the recommendations given and taking into account the causes of the problem.

As cleaning components can be used ready-made products or more cost-effective folk remedies. Do not forget to pay attention to the rest of the device, they also need periodic maintenance. In order not to bring the equipment to extremes, be careful and attentive to it. Timely cleaning of parts will prolong your colleague’s effective service.

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