Choosing a tap to connect the washing machine

Choose a faucet for a washing machine - this is a crucial step, which must be approached very seriously. This link will provide a reliable connection to the water, which is a very important condition. Choosing the wrong parts, negligent attitude to the installation and inattentive reading of the instructions will in the future lead to unpleasant consequences. A bad faucet can not only damage the internal parts of the machine and lead to its breaking, but also to arrange a real flood not only in your home, but also in your neighbors. We will consider the device of water taps and tell you how to choose them correctly, and then connect them to the typewriter.



Taps for connecting a washing machine and other household appliances with a plumbing system are divided into several types.

Ordinary flow

Its outlets are located on both sides. This type of device is mounted on special branchwhich connects the water supply communications with the washing machine. Cranes of this type simply block the flow of water to the device, dividing the branch into two parts.

 Flow through

Flow valve


Possesses several exits for connection of devices with a water supply system. One of them is responsible for directly blocking the flow. Others serve as conventional flow devices to combine all branches of a water supply system into one system. These cranes can have different shapes and configurations. This type of cut-off systems provides the ability to connect through one sidebar in the water supply system. multiple devices. A standard valve of a flow-through system will not be able to allow this due to the design features.

For example, this is usually the case. connect the dishwasher and a washing machine.


This is a system with two branches of modernized contraction.This allows you to divide the branch pipe into 2 compartments, while placing it at an angle of 90 degrees. This faucet is best suited for situations where the machine is connected to a water pipe, located in the wall, because of which it is quite difficult to connect a direct outlet to it.

Besides automatic machinesIt is used in the installation of toilet bowls and other plumbing.


Corner crane

The need for installation

Most consumers, buying parts for the installation of a washing machine, often ask themselves, why not just connect the hose to the water supply directly. What is the purpose of the crane? Of course, there is always an option to abandon the use of this part, but then mentally prepare to pay damages to the neighbors.

People already faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as water hammer in the pipes of water supply, it does not make sense to describe its effects. This is a fairly common problem, in the event of which the seams of metal and metal-plastic communications are completely torn. And now think what happens in the same situation with a mild washing machine hosewhich is directly connected to the water supply pipes.After a couple of seconds he will not be able to hold back the water and will completely break, and after a few minutes several floors of an apartment building will be flooded.

That is why without a special overlapping device can not do. The installed tap will make the use of the washing machine safe and convenient: plumbers recommend turning off the water after completing each wash.

Selection options

When deciding on a model, pay special attention to the following aspects:

  1. Materialfrom which the crane was made. The modern market is able to offer models made of brass or silumin. Experts do not recommend to give preference to brass products, as silumin cranes wear out quickly.
  2. Overlap mechanism water. In cranes, the most common ball and multi-turn system. In terms of efficiency and durability, ball is best suited.
  3. External characteristics the valve. This part is designed to control the pressure of the water and its complete overlap. It is very important to choose a valve that is convenient for you. They may differ in size, shape and strength, which must be applied to close the valve.In the event of an accident, every second will be expensive, which is why it is so important that the surface of the valve is not slippery and conveniently lay in your hand.

Connecting the washing machine to the water supply

Having decided on the desired valve, you can start connecting cars to the water supply system. Preparing for the procedure, you need to provide yourself with the appropriate tool and necessary details. During work, you may need:

  1. Double hose. As a rule, it is included in the set of the washing machine, but if the developer for some reason did not include it in the kit, you will have to purchase the hose separately. Be sure to specify the required length, it is better to take with a small margin, so that later you do not have to lengthen the hose. Choose a double-layered hose with wire reinforcement, it will easily withstand high pressure and ensure an uninterrupted flow of water during washing.
  2. Filter flow system for water purification. This part is mounted directly on the tap threads and is connected to the branch pipe of the water supply. The filter is used to improve the quality of running water and reduce the risk of the formation of various deposits. Depending on the quality of the liquid, a different number of filters can be used.
  3. Seal rings, spare nuts, winding. This is a common set for installing plumbing. These materials are used to ensure the tightness of the connections and to secure all the assemblies.
  4. Key with adjustable wrench. Used for tightening nuts, connecting pipes, pipes and hoses.
  5. Calibrator plastic pipes. It is used for fitting and installation of cranes on a pipe insert.

Having prepared the necessary materials and tools, you can safely proceed to the connection of the washing machine with the water supply system. Think in advance about the scheme of its connection to the main water pipes. There are several of them.

Connection via crane with tee integration

While doing this, turn off the standpipe with cold water. Remove part of the pipe required for mounting the faucet diameter. Remove from the valve and install special mounting nuts on the pipe. Using a calibrator, expand the outlet diameters of the pipes and install a faucet tee on them. Do not forget how to fix the joints with tightening rings. Connect the overlapped crane compartment to the inlet hose of the machine.

Installation of double tap

This valve is best used when a separate branch pipe is specifically provided for the household device. As a rule, such a branch is already equipped with a special threaded sleeve. The owner needs only to fasten a tap with a two-tap system to it and connect it to the flow-through filter. After that, the inlet hose is fed to the filter. Everything about everything will take no more than five minutes!

Installation of an angle crane

This procedure is very similar to the one already described above. The only difference here is the need to fasten to the outlet is not a flow valve, and the corner.

As a result, you can say: the purchase and connection of the tap for washing is quite a simple process. With careful observance of the instructions, you can even install everything yourself, without resorting to professionals. Follow the tips above, and you will quickly understand the nuances of this process.

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