Choosing a hair clipper

Almost every person is familiar with this accessory. Someone with a typewriter was cut in childhood. Others prefer to use it now, if for some reason they do not want to wear lush hair. Still others use a hair clipper to cut the hair of their pets (cats and dogs). At first glance, choosing a typewriter is not so difficult - they all look alike, both in design and in functionality. But it is worth exploring all the wealth of models on the market, as these thoughts are dispelled. Do not make a mistake among the many characteristics and recommendations will help our article on the main criteria for choosing a machine for cutting hair.

Types of machines

There is an idea that the hair clipper is an attribute of a hairdresser and a stylist. This is partly true, but today anyone can purchase for personal use professional device. If you learn how to properly use this device, you can significantly reduce or even eliminate visiting hairdressing salons.

 Hair clipper

In order not to be mistaken with the choice, it is necessary to approach the purchase carefully, having thoroughly studied the market and the offer. A truly high-quality thing can be purchased only consciously, understanding what is being acquired and why.

For a start, let's decide what kind of cars there are. Devices are usually divided according to the principle of operation:

  • rotary machine;
  • vibration type;
  • battery operated.


Rotary cars have a small motor, its power varies from 15 to 50W. As a rule, these models can work for quite a whilewithout needing to recharge or break. In addition, the forced cooling system contributes to the optimum temperature inside the motor, because of which the device does not overheat.Another solid advantage of such devices is extremely low noise during operation, that many users will appreciate.

 Rotary Clipper

It is worth noting the presence of removable blades. This is convenient: if necessary, they can be removed and cleaned, or, if they are blunt, replaced with new ones.

Rotary hair clipper can be attributed to reliable, practical and durable devices. Thanks to the design with the help of this model, you can easily cut hair of various lengths and thicknesses. Rotary machine copes even with extremely hard hair.

The downside of this type of device is their high price. But in this case it can be considered a justified investment: buying a reliable model, you use the device for many years. In addition, the functionality and ease of use (this is confirmed by reviews of hairdressers) will serve as an additional motivating incentive when choosing a rotary typewriter.

Vibrating type

Vibration models work from a special coil, which is the basis of a motor. This coil drives the blade. The advantage of vibration machines can be considered compact (compared to rotary). The downside is low power - no more than 12-15W. Vibrating blades will cope with not very thick and not very stiff shovel of hair, a more difficult test it can not do.

 Vibration machine

Another disadvantage is limited lifetime. The vibrating machine works only for 10-20 minutes, after which it needs recharging. In addition, during operation, the motor and the blades themselves emit considerable noise and vibration. Of course, this is unlikely to be appreciated by customers in the salon or the user himself.

There are models with increased sound insulation, but they are, of course, more expensive.

A distinctive feature of vibration devices is that they are inherently disposable. In such models, there is no possibility of removing the blade in order to service or replace it. This item is the main drawback of vibration apparatus. However, their low cost partly pays for the design flaws.

Blade Material

As you can see, none of the types of machines are not devoid of positive and negative sides. But before deciding which model to choose, one should pay attention to the next aspect - the blade material.From this depends largely on the strength of the model and the duration of its operation. Most often in the manufacture of blades used two of the most common material.

  • ceramic base;
 Removable ceramic blade

Removable ceramic blade Supra typewriter

  • stainless steel (steel).

 Steel blade

Steel blade typewriter Vitek

Ceramic blade is much less common. The clear advantage of ceramics is that does not overheat even with prolonged use of the device. Of course, this contributes to increased comfort during operation. The disadvantage of ceramics is the fragility. Such blades are fairly easy to damage, for example, dropping them onto a tile floor through negligence. In addition, ceramic blades can not be sharpened, however, they do not need it. Most models with a ceramic base have self-sharpening blades.

 Self-sharpening knives

Machine with self-sharpening knives

Ceramic blades are usually used in hair clippers for children in order to avoid injury to delicate baby skin.

In the case of stainless steel, the situation is much simpler. Models with a steel blade are much more common - almost all popular manufacturers prefer to produce versions with steel blades.

There is a nuance that is worth paying attention to when choosing.Despite the steel base of the blade, it may have different spraying. Most commonly used two types of spraying.

  1. On the basis of titanium: when using such blades on the head with sensitive skin there is no irritation and allergies.
  2. Diamond dust: equally well cuts both wet and dry hair, regardless of their hardness and thickness.

 Hair Cutting Blades

Despite the small number of spraying options, there are still Grades of quality steeldirectly affecting the performance of the machine. As a rule, indicators of the metal base of the blade are indicated by appropriate marking.

How fast the blades move

The speed of movement of the blades has a significant impact on the time that will be spent on the haircut: the lower the speed, the longer it will take to cut. With a lack of experience, it is recommended to start using models that develop medium speed.

How to determine the speed of movement of the cutting part of the apparatus? Quite simply - by power, which is measured in watts.

TO medium speed will include models with a capacity of not more than 8-12 watts. If the power is less, such a machine can not cope with hard and thick hair. Low-power are auxiliary devices (trimmers, etc.). If the experience of using hair clippers is already available, then you can not limit yourself in terms. The best solution would be a 15-20 W device. With this machine get to cut your hair a little faster.

It is best to choose models that have the ability to switch speeds. This is much more productive, since not all parts of the head require high power, and leveling dangerous places at high power is unproductive. Modern models have two speeds - high and low. But there are also devices with turbo option, intended for clipping the occipital region, where it is necessary in a short time to process a large amount of hair. As a rule, when you press such a button, the speed of movement of the blades increases to 30%.

With experience, you can afford to experiment. But it is equally important to adhere to the basic principles:

  • high speed of knives in voluminous areas with thick hair;
  • reduced speed in hazardous areas and areas requiring delicate handling in order to avoid injury.

 Haircut machine

Power type

The choice of hair clippers depends largely on its capabilities. Below will be considered the pros and cons of various types of instrument power.

Models with built-in battery

Models with a built-in rechargeable battery have both advantages and disadvantages. For example, they are not tied to a specific place due to the absence of a wire. Most often, this device is used only as an auxiliary device, for example, for trimming hair (make edging). The main advantage is the relatively small weight of the model. Battery-powered cars are convenient to use at home: it makes almost no noise and vibrations, which is very important for the home.

 Hair clipper Rozia HQ222T

Hair clipper Rozia HQ222T with battery

The main disadvantage of battery packs is low power (up to 10-12W). Another important technical drawback is that if the battery is discharged, the device will turn off. And there can be a shutdown even in the midst of a haircut, if you forgot to charge the batteries in advance. Even if you turn on the device in the outlet, for some time it will not be able to work, because the batteries must replenish the lost current. After some time, the machine will be ready for operation.True, the first time she will cut only at low revs.

Another disadvantage is the gradual degradation of the battery. Over time, their capacity will decrease significantly.

Devices without battery

Such devices are not considered as convenient for self-cutting. The wire can interfere with trimming the occipital region, constantly distracting attention, besides there is a risk of inadvertently pulling it out with one careless action. Of course, if you are ready to put up with all these nuances, then it is worth considering to purchase this model.

The advantages of such models include increased reliability and durability as well as a somewhat simplified design (lack of batteries and a compartment for them). In addition, the wired models are much more, therefore, there is plenty to choose from.

 Wire Clipper

High sales show that buyers vote with a ruble for this type of device, preferring simpler and more reliable cars.

Hybrid devices

Such a machine is also called a mixed cycle device. As a rule, their the cost is quite hightherefore, not everyone acquires such a model. Beginners are not recommended to buy such devices.If a person is not yet completely sure whether he will use the machine at home or not, it is not worth purchasing an expensive device.

The hybrid machine has enhanced functionality in relation to its more accessible competitors. Mixed cycle devices are most often preferred. professional hairdressers - In the cabin functionality is required without interrupting work. If the battery of such a machine is discharged, a specialist can immediately connect the power cord and continue cutting without any delay.

 Cordless magic clip

Combined Power Professional Cordless Magic Clip

The hybrid hair clipper cuts the hair smoothly and correctly without making much noise when it is used. Usually, it has a high-quality weighty body, which lies perfectly in the hand in order to give as little as possible to a specialist who spends much time on his feet.

Additional benefits

In addition to the basic functions, hair clippers often have a number of nice additions that will help improve the quality of work.


First of all, such additions include removable sets of nozzles.

It should be immediately noted that they can only be used in professional models. In cheaper products, this feature is rarely foreseen.

Nozzles come in 2 types.

  1. Fixed. Such devices allow you to record the length of the haircut only up to a certain limit. Lack of mobility leads to some restrictions in use.
  2. Adjustable. Moving parts allow you to set the desired length of the haircut, which greatly increases the capabilities of the machine itself and allows you to make more complex haircuts.
 Philips HC9450 hair clipper

Philips HC9450 hair clipper with adjustable combs

Also accessories are divided into:

  • nozzles with the possibility of removal;
  • fixed attachments.

Removable version looks preferable, because It allows you to perform a wider range of work. In general, most experts do not recommend choosing a model with many different attachments as the first device. It may well be enough that three to five. Many users have enough and one with the ability to adjust. After all, every day a person does not need to perform complex manipulations with his hairdo.Most often, the machine either trim the stubble or beard, or trim the hair on the head.

Ease of use

In addition to the nozzles and their functionality should take into account a few points before you buy a machine. To get started is to take the device in hand and see how comfortable it is to hold it. If it fits well in the palm, this is already a great advantage; if not, then it is probably worth seeing a model with other dimensions.

It is also important that the surface of the case is not glossy, sliding. Best of all, if it is with rubberized inserts or soft-touch coating.

The next thing you need to pay attention to - button layout. The more comfortable you reach them with your fingers, the less effort you will have to make during operation. First impressions in this case, the most truthful. Is it inconvenient to turn the device on and off? See another.

 Convenience buttons buttons

Hold the machine in your hands and feel it. weight. If she seems too weighty and uncomfortable, say, to reach the back of the head, this is not the best sign. Heavy machines make it difficult to independently trim complex areas. In addition, the hand will be trite tired, constantly keeping the heavy body on weight.

There are models equipped pulling mechanism. It works on the principle of vacuuming, absorbing a small bristle and short hairs cut off by a blade. The disadvantage of such additions is that they, as a rule, have a small reservoir, but on the whole it is very convenient. Debris after shearing will be much less.

 Rowenta TN9211F5 Vacuum

Rowenta TN9211F5 Vacuum with vacuum suction system for cropped hair

The best models are equipped with the opportunity rinse the blades directly under the tap. It is very convenient and practical, but for this option will have to pay. Of course, its presence is not mandatory, since In most cases, cleaning the device does not cause difficulties: all parts are either easily removed or blown out.

 Rinsing the blade under running water

In the case of wired models should pay attention to power cord. If it is short, then it can cause many problems during operation. With such a device it will be very inconvenient to perform complex manipulations, it is likely to pull the plug out of the socket.

By following simple recommendations, you can find the optimal solution that will meet all requirements. A hair clipper is a personal item, the same model may not be suitable for two different professionals.The individual aspects (weight, dimensions) are very important, without which it will be difficult to make the right choice.

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