What is convection and why is it needed in the oven

Many housewives, equipping their "cabinet" - the kitchen - with new appliances, make sure that the devices perform many functions at the same time. There is no exception and electric oven. A modern oven has many additional features: microwave, defrosting food, heating food, maintaining the temperature of the dish, steamer, convection ... It is about the last function that will be discussed. So what is convection and why is it necessary? Maybe in the electric oven it is not needed at all? Let's see!

Oven unit with convection function

In order to understand what convection is, you need to understand how the heating elements are located in an electric oven. Older models of electric stoves were equipped with one or two PETs and, of course,this function was absent in them. Recall how problematic it was to evenly bake pies or cake layers for a cake. One side has already burned, and the second has not even browned. For more or less uniform cooking, the baking tray had to be turned endlessly, and in order not to burn the bottom, a second baking tray with salt was placed.

 Convection oven

A modern oven with convection function will relieve you of these inconveniences, and you will be able to please the household with a dish with even roasting and a beautiful crispy crust.

The convection mode in the oven involves a large number of heating elements. Tena are not only the bottom and top, this function provides for their presence on the sides.

Forced and wet convection

The Latin word "convection" is translated as "transference." While the convection oven is running, the fan mixes hot air with cold air. Convection in the oven is improved due to the installed fan. It is called forced. Why is it needed in the oven?

The convection function provides the same air temperature, which contributes to the uniform preparation of various dishes in the electric oven. When the appliance is turned on, a certain temperature is set, which depends on the products from which the dish is prepared: meat, fish, pies, meringue ... As soon as the set temperature is reached in the middle of the oven, the fan turns off.

 The work of convection in the oven

Forced convection is also used for defrosting products, drying mushrooms, herbs and nuts.

There is also a wet convection in the oven., which enables lovers of healthy and wholesome food steam. In the inner part of the oven is a water tank. It can be located on the door or the back wall of the device. A special generator converts water into steam. Hot steam ensures even cooking, preserving in them vitamins and useful microelements.

Wet convection is used for:

  1. Cooking meat dishes, vegetables and pastries.
  2. Warming up food.
  3. Sterilization cans.

 Wet convection in the oven

You can adjust the direction of the steam yourself. Provided for three modes: steam is distributed throughout the oven; steam jet is sent to the dishes; steam sent for products.

Convection mode can be selected for the preparation of individual dishes. If it is not needed - do not turn it on.

What is good convection oven

Convection oven has several advantages, namely:

  1. All ingredients are baked evenly.
  2. Cooking on several baking sheets at the same time is possible.
  3. With this feature you can achieve crispy crispy crust.
  4. Reduced power consumption.
  5. The use of oil when cooking is reduced to a minimum.
  6. The possibility of preparing a varied menu.

So we figured out what convection is. When using this function in an electric oven, it is possible to expand the list of prepared dishes and improve the quality of baking. Nothing burns and everything is evenly baked!

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