How to connect the oven to the power supply

Electric ovens have many more benefits. compared to gas cabinets. They have more functionality and besides, their installation will not require great complexity and call the master from the gas service. Connecting the oven to the mains can be done independently. The main thing - to determine the place and method of installation of the oven.

How to determine the method of installation

Correctly installing an electric oven at home is not difficult; it is more important to determine the method of its installation. The way in which these appliances are mounted (ie, the installation of the oven) usually depends on various criteria.

  1. Does your appliance model depend on the hob? (i.e. they are related to each other or not). If they are dependent on each other, then the connection of the hob and oven will have to be done at the same outlet.If the model of the appliance is independent, the panel and the oven can be installed separately, and on it (if desired) you can install a hob, which can even be a gas one in order to save.
  2. Also important is knowledge power of your device. If it does not exceed 3.5kW, you can connect directly to the outlet. With a higher power appliance, you need to make a separate output of the power cable from the junction box, and the outlet for the oven can already be connected to it.
  3. An important circumstance is also wiring quality in your house. Can she withstand heavy loads? There are two scenarios. In the first version, it is necessary to completely change the old wiring to a new one that can withstand heavy loads. Or you will have to purchase an oven of lesser power.
 Built-in oven with independent control

Independent oven control

Pay special attention that the connection of an electric oven without the possibility of grounding is strictly prohibited!

Correct installation

Determine the place to install the wind device. Most often the body built into an already installed kitchen set. In this case, space is saved and the interior of the room is saved.Manufacturers of modern kitchen furniture produce its single standard, according to which the body of your device will ideally fit into a special section designed for it. In this case, all that is needed is the neat installation of the electric oven right under the countertop of the selected section and its alignment with the building level. The device can be leveled by adjusting the height of its legs.

 Niche under the oven

At any bias during the installation of the device the quality of its heating will be significantly lower. And the device itself can fail faster, and it will take expensive repairs.

Here are a few requirements, the fulfillment of which can guarantee the normal functioning of the oven:

  1. The lower part of the body of the wind device should be at a distance of at least 6-8 cm from the floor.
  2. The distance from its side walls to the sides of the kitchen set should be no less than 5-6 cm.
  3. The distance from the back walls of the oven body to the wall should be at least 4-5 cm.

Having figured out how to install the oven, we will now be puzzled with the question of how to properly connect it to the power supply.

Electrical connection

If there is a desire or habitual to use a socket to turn on the hob and oven, then you need to give preference to modern European samples that have ground contacts. When you connect the device to a regular outlet, there will be no problems. And if you need to hold the wire from the junction box, make it a little more difficult. But it is quite possible for a person who understands electrics to do this on their own. Consider step by step how to connect the oven in this case.

  1. First, it is imperative to turn off the power supply at the entrance to the apartment in order to protect yourself from accidental electric shock.
  2. Then, in the case when the wire for connection to the network is not removed from the oven body, it is necessary to find a terminal block on its back side, take a suitable wire section and clamp its cores with the corresponding terminals.
  3. After that, connect the opposite end of the cable in the same way to the input conductors in the junction box.

It is necessary to observe the color marking on the wires:

  • brown - goes to the terminal L.
  • blue (zero) - goes to terminal N.
  • green is grounding leading to the PE terminal.

Before connecting wires, make sure that they can withstand heavy current loads.

 Marking of oven wires

Electric oven wire marking

As a rule, a copper three-core wire with a cross section of 2.5 mm is suitable for cabinets with a capacity of about 3.5 kW2. At high power, it is recommended to use wires having veins with a cross section of 4 mm.2.

Tip! To protect yourself and your device from the effects of a short circuit, it is best to use an RCD (residual current device) consisting of a transformer and other electrical components.

Criteria for choosing an electric oven

Before buying such a device, you need to have an idea of ​​some of the nuances associated with its future location. Wind appliances are divided into two types.

  1. Independent modelsHaving their own separate power schemes, they are not tied to each other, you can even install them in opposite places of the kitchen, at any height and in any place.
     Independent oven
  2. Dependent Models, have the usual classic look. They are usually placed traditionally. Upstairs - the hob, below - the oven. Moreover, they may also have a common control panel.
     Dependent oven
Tip! To create an interesting design, it is best to choose independent versions of ovens.

Very important before choose an oven for your kitchen, determine the size of the niche or section in the kitchen set, in which it is supposed to be installed. Required adjust niche in advancein order to avoid distortions and to bring the ventilation gaps between it and the device in accordance with the norm (see above). It is important to choose such a model so that its size fits the prepared niche.

If everything is connected and done correctly, you can turn on the current on the input switchboard. You can be congratulated! You made the correct installation and figured out how to connect your own electric oven. Connect the hob possible in the same way. The main thing to remember about safety.

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