How to effectively clean thermopot from scale

Recently, thermopot pressed usual teapots. This is understandable: the device has an impressive volume and provides consistently hot water. However, with all its advantages, the unit faces the same problem as other hot water heaters - scale. That is why for many users the question is how to clean the thermal steam from scale.

Where the scum comes from and how dangerous it is

Similar deposits are formed due to substandard drinking water. Due to the fact that it undergoes many stages of purification, inclusions of calcium and magnesium are deposited in tap water.During boiling, they turn into dangerous carbon dioxide, and therefore a solid alkaline precipitate of lime is obtained. It settles inside the device.

Scale is fraught with the following problems:

  • water heating is slow;
  • increased power consumption;
  • strong noise when operating machinery;
  • unpleasant taste.

You will be surprised, but the first cleaning will need to be carried out several months after the operation of a completely new device. It was then that it would be easy to notice that different light and dark stripes began to appear inside. So it's time to act!


Ignoring the problem will lead to the fact that the unit will have to change. But all that was needed was to carry out the correct cleaning work. We will tell you how to do it right.

Professional help

It is possible to clean thermopot from scum either using special detergents or using proven methods from people. In the first case we are talking about professional tools (take as an example REDD-TVN). These drugs are sold in the department of household chemicals. What are they good for? The composition of the funds include substances that fight against corrosive manifestations, organic and inorganic acids.

List of advantages:

  • mild removal of plaque without damaging the inner surface;
  • health safety.

 Scale Tablets

However, to comply with the last point, the device should rinse thoroughly. This zeal is necessary to ensure that residues from chemical reagents do not spoil the sealing elements.

Another recommendation is to follow the instructions exactly, especially to withstand the necessary time during which the agent must completely remove scale.

Effective folk remedies

Such methods are popular because they are in every home and do not require special material costs. The most popular are table vinegar, citric acid, baking soda, cucumber pickle, carbonated drinks.

 Cleaning Products

Acetic Acid Cleaning

To remove scale in the thermopot with acetic acid, it is enough to fill the flask with a solution made in the proportion of 1 liter of water per 50 ml of vinegar. It remains to bring the vinegar to a boil and leave the contents for a couple of hours.

When cleaning with vinegar, you can avoid the peculiar smell: it is enough to boil it with the lid open. Of course, it is necessary to rinse the unit more than once.This method will help to cope even with old sediments.

 Table Vinegar

Citric acid with soda

If the deposits are not too much, you can clean the thermopot from scale by using such a popular tool as citric acid mixed with soda. It is necessary to pour water inside, then add baking soda in the amount of 20 g and stir everything. Boil and leave to cool. After half an hour, the contents are drained, and the unit is again filled with water. Now boiling should take at least 25 minutes.

After the procedure, the contents are drained, the flask is rinsed, and the device is wiped dry with a sponge. If the result does not suit you, then the procedure should be repeated.

By the way, you can use each substance separately.

Cucumber pickle help

Marinated vinegar helps to eliminate the problem. Brine boil for 20 minutes - during this time the scum should go. In order not to leave a characteristic odor, after the contents are drained, the device should be rinsed well under a stream of water from the tap.

 Cucumber pickle

Carbonated products

Good results are also shown in the use of beverages like Coca-Cola, Sprite, Pepsi-Cola, and so on. You need to do so.

  1. The drink is left open - it needs to get out of it gases. 20 minutes is usually enough.
  2. Now we pour into the cleaned thermopot (fill half of the internal space). It remains to boil.
  3. Drain and remove residues with a sponge.

A small but important recommendation is to choose Spryte for cleaning, since it is free of dyes. After Pepsi and Coca-Cola will need additional cleaning from their dyes.

 Coca-Cola beverage for cleaning

Emergency cleaning

In advanced cases, you will need to act in a special way. Use one of the following methods.

  1. A tablespoon of baking soda is added to a thermal bath filled with water. Then the solution is boiled for at least half an hour, followed by draining and washing.
  2. Water and citric acid are added to the thermowat. All this is boiled for half an hour. The solution is drained.
  3. You can add a tablespoon of acetic acid and boil for half an hour. Drain and rinse the device.

Some important recommendations

Before you clean the thermopot, read the following rules - it will help you to carry out cleansing competently and without harm to equipment.

  1. When using vinegar essences, it is not necessary to boil - just add the agent to the water and waitcomplete dissolution of scale.
  2. Concentrated food acids not desirable to use. And strong like sulfuric and hydrochloric acid is completely prohibited.
  3. There is a taboo on the use of abrasives, such as a metal brush or sandpaper - this can simply break the heating element.
  4. Better to use filtered water - it will delay the appearance of scale.
  5. After cleaning by any means in thermopot it is necessary to fill in clean water, boil again and drain. Remove all unwanted residues. Better yet, do it a few times.

Careful attitude to the device and timely preventive measures - the key to its long and efficient service. Such a purification can be done by any user.

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