Making a boiler from improvised do-it-yourselfers

In life, sometimes there are unforeseen circumstances. One of those is the lack of hot water, for example, during repair work, when there is no gas, without which there is no water to boil. And then the spite of the electric kettle still broke, and there is no boiler at all in the house. Then we start to think how you can do it yourself at home. make a boiler. It turns out that it is not difficult to make such a heating device, the main thing is to find the necessary materials in your apartment.

Blade Boiler

A homemade boiler or a primitive 12-volt heater can be made from improvised means.

For this we need:

  • Insulated piece of twin wire.
  • The blade, which is used for a razor in the amount of 2 pieces.And you can also use the blade for a painting knife. If they do not appear in your apartment, even two metal spoons will do.
  • Saucepan or jar for water.
  • Two matches or wood chips.
  • Threads.

 Materials for homemade boiler

1 option. By the ends of the blades need to wind the wire. The blades must not be allowed to come into contact with each other. To do this, between them set on both sides of the struts of matches or wood chips. Then the blades should be wound with a thread. Wires should also not touch. A homemade boiler for 12 volts is left to be lowered into a container with water, plug in and wait for it to boil.

 Homemade heater

Option 2. When using a metal container to boil water, one wire can be connected to a saucepan, and a blade, spoon or other metal object can be attached to the other end. It is important to ensure that the latter does not touch the walls of the metal container. It turns out the boiler at 12 volts.

 Boiling water in a can

Made a boiler with your own hands with a power of 12 volts, it copes with boiling a small amount of water rather quickly.

It is important to comply safety engineering when using this heating device:

    1. Before you are going to apply homemade boiler it is necessary to thoroughly test the strength of all connections of the structure.
    2. In no case should you put your hands in water while the liquid is heating up (you may be electrocuted).
    3. Do not leave the heater turned on unattended.
    4. Do not risk boiling salted water. Otherwise, you will provoke an explosion, as a result of which most of the water will spill out of the tank.
    5. Do not use this design for more than a month. And also think about the quality of the water you are going to use. Due to metal ingress into it, water becomes poor quality.

Boiler from Teng from a broken electric kettle

In this case, a broken electric kettle will become useful, more precisely, its heating element, if, of course, it has not burned down. To begin, remove the heating element from the kettle.

 Electric kettle

Then you need to produce stripping tena contacts. To the contacts of the latter, using a soldering iron, we solder a two-core wire with a plug, which can be removed from the same broken kettle. At the outlet, the power of this boiler is equal to the power of your broken electric kettle.

 Boiler from TENA

Before using a homemade device that is not connected to the network, it should be diagnosed. At zero resistance, the electrical connections must be checked.

How to make a boiler of improvised means with our own hands at home, we figured it out. It is better to resort to such water heaters in extreme cases. Do not risk your life and the lives of your loved ones. Use only factory-made water heaters.

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