Common machine malfunctions

Automatic coffee makers are very convenient to use: the drink is prepared in a matter of minutes, and you need to make only a minimum of effort. Therefore, it becomes especially annoying when a useful assistant in the kitchen fails. Repairing coffee machines in service centers is a long and expensive business. But sometimes the problem can be solved independently, without resorting to the help of specialists. Consider the most common malfunctions of coffee machines and how to eliminate them at home.

Why does the coffee machine break

Proper operation and maintenance of the coffee machine ensures long-term service and stable operation. Unfortunately, in the office, coffee machines often work continuouslyalmost for wear, and it is not always possible to take good care of and thoroughly clean all the elements of its construction: there simply is not enough time. However, regular maintenance, cleaning and general testing of the coffee machine will significantly reduce the risk of breakage. Here are some points to pay attention to in advance:

  1. For the preparation of coffee used low-quality water. If you use ordinary tap water that is not filtered, saturated with bleach and other harmful impurities, sooner or later this will lead to the formation of scale and lime deposits on the internal parts of the coffee machine.
  2. Power outages. Periodic disruptions in electricity, frequent on / off of the device also contributes to breakdown.
  3. Wear parts in the process of long-term operation. If the coffee machine serves you faithfully for more than a year, natural wear and tear of the structure may occur.Here it is better to consult with a specialist: perhaps some parts must be replaced.
  4. Careless work with the device, lack of regular cleaning. Cleaning the coffee machine is one of the most important components of care. Often, special cleaning tools, descaling tablets, etc. are included with the device, but in certain cases careful manual cleaning is also necessary.
  5. The ingress of foreign objects inside the structure, clogged filters.

 Coffee break

These are just general reasons why your favorite coffee machine may suddenly break. Next, we will highlight the typical types of breakdowns that can occur with various types of coffee grinders and functionality.

Water leaks from the car's horn.

Many owners of rozhkovy coffee machines are faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon, as the flow of water in the area of ​​mounting the horn with the machine body. You can repair this damage yourself, with a little effort. First consider the O-ring, which is located in the part of the connection “nose” and the main body. Check out integrity of the sealing ring. Most likely, it is clogged: there may be fat deposits, waste of coffee, as well as the ingress of solid foreign objects.If there is no blockage, and the ring is torn or there are cracks on its surface, it is necessary to replace this part with a new one.

Please note that a new sealing ring must be identical to the old one, have the same characteristics and dimensions, otherwise it is fraught with damage and overheating.

 Coffee machine horn device

Water leakage may also occur. due to clogged filter horn. Sometimes it accumulates a thick layer of cake and waste from coffee. Clean the filter in a timely manner and, after cleaning, carefully put it back in place.

By the way, such faults often occur in the Delonghi coffee machine: in the process of making coffee or after the completion of work, water appears under the unit. The manufacturer Delongi warns about the mandatory reading of the operating manual, and also calls for careful care and regular cleaning of parts.

Coffee machine is noisy

If during the preparation of coffee you notice that the coffee machine makes noises: crackling, hissing or whistling, then, most likely, there was filter or mesh clogging in the horn. What to do in this case? Carefully disassemble the structure and clean the clogged places.The most convenient way to do this is with the help of special cleaners for coffee machines and coffee makers.

To remove deposits from the mesh, use a regular toothpick or a small brush, just be careful not to tear or scratch thin material.

Perhaps you are using coffee too coarse, and the filter pores simply do not cope with particles, and the water pressure in turn provokes the formation of cracks. Open the tank where you usually put the coffee beans to sleep and check how coarse the grinding is. To facilitate this task, many coffee machines have the function of adjusting the amount of grinding.

Another version of why there is too much noise - natural built-in pump wear. In this case, you just have to replace the part.

The buttons on the control panel do not work.

Such a breakdown especially occurs in multifunctional coffee machines equipped with a display. If you press the buttons, but the device does not start, then there may be a lot of reasons:

  • First, check that the coffee is poured into the tank and that there is water in the required container.The fact is that many modern coffee machines are protected from the inclusion of "idle" to prevent burnout.
  • Secondly, look at the display: it may have an error code.
  • Thirdly, carefully clean the buttons and make sure that they do not get dirt, grease or plaque, that they do not sink and are fully pressed.

 The buttons on the control panel do not work.

No power supply

If the coffee machine does not turn on at all, the indicators do not light up, check the integrity of the power cord and the presence of power in the outlet. If you have the appropriate skills, carefully disassemble the body of the coffee machine and using a multimeter, consistently ring the main sections of the electrical circuit: from the heating element to the electrical cord. If the power supply and operation of the circuit is all right, contact home appliance repair specialists.

 Coffee machine power supply

Coffee machine does not recognize coffee

You poured beans or ground coffee in the tank, but the coffee machine still signals its absence and refuses to turn on? Most likely, the control unit is damaged, the internal engine is not working, or the coffee maker with a funnel has failed.Inspect parts for damage, check for excess coffee dust inside the funnel or in the engine itself.

Replacing the engine is an expensive procedure, so in this case, you may have to think about buying a new coffee machine.

Another common malfunction: when coffee is poorly supplied to the tank or the appliance does not deliver it at all. Most likely the problem in the brewing mechanism: a blockage occurred, waste fell, large particles, and so on.

 Coffee machine does not recognize coffee

Error code on the display

A fairly common situation is when the error signal is displayed directly on the display of the coffee machine. Ask to the instruction manual device. A blockage may have occurred, one of the sensors is defective, for some reason the mechanism is blocked. For example, in a Saeco coffee machine, Error 1 indicates a complete device lock, and Error 9 indicates a malfunctioning of the water heater sensor. Inscriptions similar to those of the Saeko are also found in models from other manufacturers.

 Errors on the display of the coffee machine

No water heating

If the unit does not heat the water, the cause of this malfunction in the coffee machine (Saeco, Delonghi, Bosch, Nespresso, etc.) may be damage to the heating element or controller.Pick both elements with a multimeter to detect a breakdown. If the heating is, but very weak, then perhaps this is the fault of the hardness of the water.

Now on sale there are special filter cartridges for softening water and protecting the structure from scaling.

It is worth noting that for machines of different manufacturers are available. your cartridges.

Kapuchinator does not work

If the machine has a cappuccinator, then it is likely that there will be damage due to its operation. For example, milk is badly whipped or milk froth is not formed. This is usually due to poor quality milk or clogged air ducts, which are responsible for creating foam. Milk should be pasteurized, with fat content of 2.5%. Air channels can clog due to poor-quality and untimely flushing. Do not forget after making coffee clean the cappuccinator clean warm water for a few minutes. If you see that instead of foam hot milk flows, contact the service center for the repair of the part.

Clogged filter in water tank

Replace the filter in the coffee machine must be very carefully, in compliance with all prescribed instructions.This is especially true for capsular coffee machines, which require regular replacement of the filter. If the filter is installed incorrectly, it is customary to say that the car was “air-impaired”, that is, a cork from the air was formed in the system. As a result, the pump is idling, and thus the device can easily fail. Replacement filter coffee machines as follows:

  1. Put your hand in the water tank.
  2. Grasp the filter housing with your hands and gently pull it out.
  3. In some models of coffee machines need to latch the latches, which are located above the filter.

 Cleaning the coffee machine filter

Water level is not displayed.

There are situations when the tank is filled with water, but the coffee machine does not display its level. Probably the whole thing in the sensor-float: it just does not float to the surface. A non-working float may be clogged, blocked with a foreign object or crushed by large amounts of water. Best carefully clean the float, disassemble the design of the sensor and dry all the elements.

Gauge out of order

The pressure gauge, or pressure controller of the coffee machine, can also be stuck. Perhaps the problem is in the tubewhich connects directly to the gauge.The pressure gauge itself is inexpensive, it can easily be replaced with a new one.

The coffee machine does not press the capsules

The mechanism of penetration of capsules or tablets in capsule apparatuses can also jam from time to time. Most often this happens due to improper installation of the capsule. It is desirable to load it into the tank so that it is installed on the piercing surface. After this step, lower the lever.

Do not forget that the coffee machine can not completely press the tablet, if it lies unevenly and does not fall into the place of piercing.

 Pressing capsules for coffee machine


We brought the main types of damage to the apparatus for making coffee. To understand why your coffee machine no longer works, you first need to visually inspect it: perhaps the coffee grinder broke, one of the sensors, the control panel, or maybe a blockage or a jammed mechanism was formed inside the structure. Clogged, perhaps the most common cause of breakdowns. If the coffee machine is leaking, the coffee has stopped feeding into the tank, or the cappuccinator has broken, then most likely you just need to clean all the elements of high quality and not allow such faults in the future.

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The best coffee machines for the home: 2017 rating, optimal price and quality of the goods. Consideration and comparison of characteristics, cost and reliability. A brief presentation of the brand, the ratio of advantages and disadvantages.

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