Choosing a quality kettle for a gas stove

For many, the kettle for gas stoves has long been a relic of the past, because it has been replaced by a huge number of modern appliances that are more convenient and faster to use. But all the same, there remains a huge number of owners who, for various reasons, prefer to see just such a variant of dishes in their kitchen. A whistling kettle for a gas stove will become an indispensable attribute of kitchens in retro or vintage style, even if it is not used for its intended purpose. Many tea connoisseurs claim that using water from such dishes does the taste of the drink is more saturated and fragrant. How to choose this cozy and functional kitchen accessory?

 Kettle on the gas stove

What to consider when choosing

Modern manufacturers offer a huge range of models, so the question of choice should be approached with great responsibility to the household. It is necessary to take into account various factors and moments:

  • production material;
  • the need for a whistle;
  • volume;
  • handle reliability;
  • the ratio of the bottom diameter and size of the burner;
  • design features;
  • design and appearance.

What material of the kettle is better to choose

First of all, when choosing, you should decide on the material from which it will be made. The choice of models is very large, so you should understand the features of each option.


Transparent dishes on the gas stove looks very stylish and elegant. Products made of glass are environmentally friendly and safe for humans. In the process of boiling you should not worry that water will change its taste or harmful particles will get into it. The only disadvantage of this option is fragility.

 Glass teapot

It is worth noting that the high temperature glass kettle for the gas stove makes with ease, but because of the impact can crack or break completely.


This is not the most acceptable option, since such a metal is not very strong. Enamel may soon begin crack and crumblethat spoil the look. In addition, a layer of scale forms very quickly from the inside, which gives off particles that are harmful to the human body during boiling. Externally, traces of burning from the work of the slab will always remain on the surface of the enamel, which, naturally, will not add to its attractiveness. Also, when operating enameled models, one should adhere to the basic rule: to avoid contrasting and sudden changes in temperature, for example, it is not allowed to pour cold liquid into heated dishes. The easiest way to choose a completely different model and not suffer in consequence.


Ceramics has similar properties with glass. Products made of such material are an environmentally safe attribute in the kitchen, but have a high fragility - it is very afraid of mechanical damage. Another disadvantage of ceramics is considered big weight. In addition, ceramic representatives are most often of small volume.

The advantage of such models is a great opportunity to keep warm: the water in the ceramic kettle will stay warm for a long time.

 Ceramic teapots


There are a lot of controversies about options from such a metal as aluminum. On the one hand, these are quite convenient to use things, but at the same time there are components in the metal that are released into the water during boiling - they are harmful to the human body. True, today some manufacturers in the manufacture of products for the kitchen of aluminum use special coatingsto make them completely safe. Before you choose on this model, you should ask the relevant documents from the seller, which will confirm compliance with all established standards.

 Aluminum kettle



The representative of stainless steel - the best option for use on a gas stove. Such material fully complies with all established standards. Water in such dishes during boiling will not change its taste and will not receive harmful impurities. Such representatives are resistant to contrasting and high temperatures, dishes made from this material are durable.

Effect of construction on the quality of operation

When buying a kettle for a gas stove, you must pay special attention not only to the material from which it is made, but also to the structural features. If you provide all the nuances of the design, it will be comfortable and practical in operation.

Size and location of items

Very often in everyday life the owners get burned and injured due to the wrong construction of the kettle itself. Such cases are most likely when the hand is located above the hole or very close to the nozzle. When using it is worth remembering that if lid tightly closedthen there is a high probability that in the hot state it will slip off with ease, and a large flow of hot steam will fall on the arm. Burns can also provoke splashes that form when the cover accidentally drops inside. Therefore, it is better to choose a model with a wide lid that fits snugly to the base, which reduces the likelihood of it slipping during tilting.

 Teapot with a wide lid

The ideal solution would be the option in which the valve is provided: in the closed state, it will not allow the lid to slip off even with a strong tilt.

Many manufacturers praise the convenience of their products, in which the short nose is almost at the very bottom. It will take a minimum of effort to fill the cups, but use the maximum amount of water. They have a significant disadvantage: there is a lot of scale inside, which emits harmful substances when heated.

Too high from the bottom of the spout will require significant effort to pour water, turn to the desired inclination is not too convenient.

Select the desired volume

When choosing the volume of the kettle for your kitchen, you should first take into account the needs of family members.

  1. Too small capacity will require frequent boilingthat with a large number of family members make it difficult to drink tea at the same time.
  2. When using dishes of large volume it is very easy to burn yourself, because it has a significant weight, which will complicate the spreading of boiled water into cups.

 Big kettle

What else you need to consider when buying

Choosing a kettle, you need to evaluate and additional features of the device.

  1. Appearance very often plays a big role, especially if there are often guests.
  2. Due to the wider base, the water will warm up a little faster.
  3. A small whistle, which is represented by a valve, will make use more convenient. Thanks to his presence, the owner will not forget about the kettle on the stove, which in turn will not cause the dishes to burn after boiling out the liquid. Most common enamel whistling kettle or its equivalent of stainless steel.
  4. Many modern models are equipped with a measuring window, which allows you to control water content.
  5. The presence in the configuration of an additional filter is especially useful for urban residents who use tap water for cooking.

In conclusion, I would like to note that making tea is an art, therefore, the condition and quality of the main tool for making a drink should be taken care of at the acquisition stage. A stainless steel kettle with a whistle for a gas stove is not just a convenient element of dishes, but a real attribute of comfort, hospitality and pleasant communication over a cup of aromatic tea. If you choose quality products, it will last more than a dozen years.

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