How to choose dishes for use on an induction cooker

Modern, functional and economical hobs with induction heating element have a lot of advantages and attract the attention of users. But such an acquisition also has a downside - a change of kitchen utensils for a special one, which will heat up. This nuance often becomes an obstacle to plate acquisitionBecause the dishes for “induction” will require additional expenses, but in practice not everything is so hopeless.

 Cookware on the stove

Features kitchen utensils

In order to correctly select a new pan or pan, the user must clearly know which dishes are suitable for induction cookers, and which will be useless. Acquisition of specialized products will be a win-win option. Such dishes are universal and suitable for any type of stove, it has a decent quality workmanship,stylish design.

Any kitchen utensils used must meet basic requirements:

  • the bottom of the pan or saucepan should be thick, from 5 to 10 mm;
  • the outer side of the bottom should not have chips or deep scratches, the surface should be flat, differences of 1 - 2 mm are unacceptable.

 Thick bottom saucepan

Some models of induction cookers are able to adapt to the size of the dishes used. If there is no FlexInduction function, then the minimum diameter of the selected pan must be more than 12-14 cm.

The key indicator that dishes are suitable for use on an induction cooker - it is well magnetised. Included with the plates you can find a magnet, if you have doubts whether a pan or pan is suitable, this is easy to check. It is important to note here that for the cooking surface it is necessary that the bottom is magnetised, from which the walls will be made, does not matter. Practice shows and reviews, part of the kitchen utensils do not have to change.

 Magnetic bottom bucket


What to buy

Induction Cooking Rules determine the list of what dishes are needed for cooking on an induction stove.

  1. Special dishes for induction hob sold in stores along with stoves,It is made from an alloy of stainless steel and aluminum. The interior is usually non-stick. In practice, this is the best option, such products do not emit any harmful allergens under the influence of heat, they have excellent quality, durable. Their cost is slightly higher than usual, although specialized pans or pots are considered the best dishes. It will be easy to determine it: on the bottom of the product or on the package there will be an “INDUCTION” label or a badge with a spiral.
  2. Cast iron cookware also great for cooking on an induction cooker. It is eco-friendly and is often found in the "arsenal" of hostesses, but it is notable for considerable weight. A massive cauldron or brazier can split glass ceramics, not to mention the fact that not everyone can “manage” with such gravity. It will have to be handled with care so as not to spoil the glass-ceramic surface that is not being repaired (it can be completely replaced in service). In addition, products made of cast iron are fragile, when dropped they are easy to split.
  3. Enameled pans or other containers, in general, a suitable option, if the coating does not have any chips.Here you should pay attention to the quality of the product: when the bottom is thin, and the coating does not inspire confidence, the pan or pan can burst, deform or make various sounds (clicks, whistles) during the cooking process.
  4. Cookware made stainless steel It can be used on an induction cooker, but due to its nickel content, it can cause allergic reactions.

 Cookware Set

What you should refuse

Before you choose a new dish for an induction cooker, you must study the material from which it is made. If the bottom contains ferromagnetic alloys, then there are no problems, such products (if the basic requirements are met) can be purchased. And what products are not suitable for cooking?

  • Ceramic cookware for induction cookers is absolutely useless, you can store food in it, but it will not heat up.
  • Glass products.
  • Aluminum pots, pans, if steel is not present in the composition of the metal - this nuance can be clarified with the seller, or read the information on the packaging.
  • Copper cookware, like aluminum, is suitable only if there is a magnetic alloy at the bottom.
  • Products made of brass react to a magnet, but the content of ferromagnetic particles is too small.This is expressed in slow and weak bottom heating, therefore, in long cooking. Such dishes may be suitable, but use will be extremely uncomfortable.

 Ceramic dishes for food storage


Changing most of the kitchen utensils is a considerable expense, which together with the cost of the stove can significantly reduce the family budget. But there is an alternative option - the purchase of a special adapter for an induction cooker of any type. The accessory is a flat round disc with a solid or removable handle. It is installed on the heating zone, and from above you can put a small tank of small diameter, for example, coffee Turk or ware from glass, ceramics, other "not suitable" material.

Such a solution would be optimal for owners. combined cooking surfaces (induction + tenovaya), as well as those who are not ready to spend money on a new kitchenware for an induction electric cooker. In addition, each housewife has a "favorite cauldron", which is easy and familiar to cook. If it cannot be used for induction panels in composition, a special adapter will easily solve the problem.

If we analyze the prices of special dishes for panels that work on induction, then the purchase of one or two adapters is quite reasonable.

Comments: 7
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Comments: 7
Anonymous / 10.29.2018 at 10:01

The food stainless steel is not magnetized at all, but on the induction cooker it warms up perfectly

    Rum / 04/12/2018 at 04:11

    They invented induction hemorrhage on our head! The diameter is not that, it is magnetised, it is not magnetised, the chips are not chipped, and the contact with the dishes must be super-fine ... otherwise it will not warm and it will crack! Throw away all your dishes and buy a new one, costing half a plate. Ass full. No, I have an induction, a super thing, but I did as described above.

      Hope / 04/06/2018 at 04:10

      I purchased an adapter for the induction cooker and regretted - I spoiled the stove ... I do not advise ...

        I'm Susanna Aleksandrovna / 11.11.2017 at 11:03

        Changing such a question, is it necessary that the diameter of the dish is n, for example a frying pan, should it correspond to the diameter of the hob?

          Nikita / 11.11.2017 at 11:06

          if the pan will be bigger, then nothing terrible, but within reason. If the burner is small, then you do not need to pick up a huge griddle)

            Alexander Art. / 06/14/2017 at 06:08

            For some reason, all the articles believe that dishes suitable for induction cookers must necessarily be attracted by a magnet. This is not true. I have stainless steel cookware, which is not attracted by a magnet, but works great with induction tiles. There are some stainless steel that do not attract and do not work with induction tiles.
            So not everything is simple in this matter of fitness.
            The only thing that can be said with certainty is that dishes that are attracted by a magnet with induction tiles will work.

              Klim / 10/17/2018 at 10:04

              If it works, then the bottom is magnetised, otherwise nothing. And vice versa, if not magnetised, it will not work. Anyway. Öpta Physics 🙂


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