How to clean the microwave from grease and dirt

A microwave oven is a must in every kitchen. But due to regular use, it is quickly polluted, and if you ignore it, the heated products will begin to acquire an unpleasant smell, and the furnace itself will quickly fail. Let's try to figure out how to clean the microwave using various cleaning agents, most of which are always at hand.

Cleaning rules

The basic rules that follow:

  1. Before you clean the microwave, it must be turned off.
  2. It is forbidden to use hard brushes and metal scrubbers - it will spoil the surface and make the oven unsuitable for further use.
  3. Cleaning the microwave should be done using a very small amount of water, this will prevent the failure of parts that are sensitive to high humidity.
  4. Do not disassemble the oven during laundering.
  5. At the end of the active cleaning process from the inside, you should open the door and dry the machine well.

 Microwave cleaning

Cleaning methods

Popular microwave cleaning products:

  1. Lemon acid. Mix 1 tsp. Acids with 50 ml of water at room temperature or slightly warm, apply to internal and external contaminated surfaces for 5-10 minutes, then wipe and wash off the remnants of water. Cleaning the microwave with citric acid does not give a foreign smell, therefore it is absolutely safe. If, for some reason, acid residues get into the human body through food, then you should not be afraid - it is harmless to health.
  2. Lemon. Instead of acid, you can simply use lemon. This product is also harmless, and in addition to cleansing, it will give the microwave a fresh aroma and natural shine. Clean the microwave with a lemon as follows. We cut the fruit into 2 parts and squeeze the juice out of it, add 200 ml of water to the juice and heat the solution in the microwave oven at maximum power. It is necessary to ensure that steam began to settle on the walls of the device in the form of condensate, for this, as a rule, 5-7 minutes are sufficient.Turn off the device and wait another 5-10 minutes, after which you should remove the container and wipe all surfaces with a rag. Cleaning in this way allows you to remove residues of dirt in the microwave, and the pleasant smell of fresh lemon will accompany you in the kitchen for a long time.
  3. Citrus peel. It also helps to find the answer to the question of how to quickly clean the microwave. To do this, any citrus crust is placed in a dish with a wide base, then pour the contents with water and put in the oven for 5-6 minutes. Power it should be as much as possible. This method allows you to quickly clean the microwave and just as in the case of a whole lemon, refresh the device and give a pleasant aroma to the whole room.
  4. Vinegar. If the previous methods did not help you to cope with such a simple at first glance task how to clean the microwave at home, then it is time to try the vinegar. The disadvantage of this tool is that the product has a peculiar odor, which will certainly spread in the kitchen and can persist in the oven for a long time, so when cleaning with vinegar you should leave the stove door open for a long timeair the premises. The procedure itself, which allows to clean the microwave, is as follows. Vinegar and water are combined in a 1: 1 ratio, after which the container is placed inside the device for 5-7 minutes, and then it is necessary to leave the door closed for another 15-20 minutes to soften the dirt. After cleaning the microwave inside with the selected vapors, it was necessary to ventilate the room well and open the door with the window open. After that, the remnants of all the dirt on the walls can be washed away.

    An important caveat: it is impossible to prevent the solution from getting onto the grid, this can spoil the device!

  5. Soda. It is impossible to use soda in a standard format in the case of microwave because the damage to the surface by microscopic particles will damage the device. However, choosing a way to easily clean a microwave, this product should not be completely excluded. Soda can be used for non-contact cleaning. It is done this way. A wide bowl is taken, where 2-3 tablespoons of soda powder are poured, the powder is poured with water and put into the oven at maximum power for 15-20 minutes. With this method you can get rid of persistent dirt.

Chemical cleaning methods

How to clean the microwave in 5 minutes? Chemistry to help you!

Chemical detergents and cleaning products should be used with caution.

No matter how much you want to avoid synthetic cleaners, some products will help you to clean the pollution easily and without much harm, and extend the service life of the microwave:

  1. Mister Muscle. Spray the product on the surface, turn on the microwave oven at full power for 1 minute, then wipe the surface with a damp cloth, completely removing the remaining solution.
  2. Laundry soap. The use of this indispensable household assistant is also relevant in our case. The soap should be foamed and treated with this foam wall, leaving it for 30-40 minutes, then rinse everything with water. In the event that the solution is not completely removed, when you first prepare the food you will feel a peculiar smell that is not dangerous for the stove itself, but can cause discomfort to you.
  3. Faerie. This tool is suitable in the case of not strong pollution. We moisten a soft sponge with water and fairies. We put it in the chamber and leave it on low power for 20-30 seconds, carefully watching that the sponge does not melt.Then wash off the remnants of softened dirt.
  4. Special tools for microwave. If you still haven’t found the most effective way for you how to wash the microwave and how to clean the microwave from grease, you can try specialized cleaners. As a rule, the instructions clearly spelled out how to use them. Traditionally, the tool is aged on contaminated surfaces for 5-10 minutes, after which the surfaces are thoroughly wiped with a soft sponge or cloth. It is absolutely not necessary to put physical effort in order to clean the microwave inside of fat: the tool will do everything for you.
  5. Napkins. Allow you to quickly remove grease and food residue without the need to use water. Wipes do not just remove dirt, they also disinfect, being absolutely non-allergenic.

The choice of means depending on the surface material

The inner coating of your device can be:

  • enamelled;
  • ceramic;
  • from stainless steel.

Enameled Coverage is most common. It is present in most models of economy class.The process of cleansing smooth enameled surfaces is not particularly difficult if you avoid means that can damage them. Even small scratches, barely visible to the eye, are unacceptable. Regular exposure to hot steam deprives the surface of its original hardness, therefore, as a rule, such furnaces do not serve for a very long time. In no case should moisture get to the bottom to avoid rust.

 Enamelled Microwave Coating

Stainless steel is more resistant to high temperature material. But quickly wash the microwave of this type will not work. Nagar and fat deposits are instantly absorbed into the surface, but do not want to be cleaned quickly. Abrasive products and any acids, incl. citric and acetic acid, is strictly prohibited in cases with stainless steel. Pollution can be removed only with specialized solutions or through steam exposure.

 Stainless microwave cover

Ceramic Coatings - the most picky in terms of care. All of the above means may be applicable to them. However, it is worth remembering that, as is the case with the two previous materials, you can clean the microwave using abrasives and hard sponges only once,ridding it of fat and leaving it permanently inoperative.

 Ceramic microwave coating

However, prevention is always easier than treatment. This statement is relevant in our case. We talked about how to clean the microwave inside, how to quickly clean the microwave, but it is much easier, in fact, to follow simple tips on caring for the appliance and rules of its operationUse special caps in the cooking process, wipe the surfaces regularly, periodically leave a tablet of activated carbon or a container of salt in the chamber, and your device will serve you for many years. You will never have to really and seriously think about how to wash and bring your microwave in proper form.

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