We remove the unpleasant smell from the microwave

The microwave oven - the irreplaceable assistant to any hostess. But, like any household appliances, it needs special care. The most common problem encountered when operating a microwave is an unpleasant smell. In order to understand how to remove the smell from the microwave, you need to know the reasons for its appearance.

Why there are unpleasant odors in the microwave

The functionality of modern microwave ovens is very diverse. This is both an advantage of the device and a disadvantage. Due to improper use, odors can occur in the microwave, which is sometimes difficult to dispose of. The reasons for its occurrence may be several:

  1. Untimely removal of food residues from microwave walls.
  2. Burnt food.
  3. Some products emit a peculiar odor when heated.
  4. Violation of the rules for the care of the microwave.

 Violation of the rules of operation of the microwave

If it was not possible to prevent its occurrence and you need to get rid of the unpleasant smell in the microwave oven, there are many options. To do this, you can use both improvised tools that are in any kitchen, and special compositions purchased in the store.

Little about chemicals

Clean the microwave or remove the smell of burning from the microwave, you can by any means for care for ceramics or metal. After applying the composition to the surface, leave it for a while and then remove it.

In any hardware store you can find a lot of specialized care products. They will help clean the microwave and remove the unpleasant smell. In the market they are presented in the following formats:

  1. As a spray for cleaning microwave.
  2. As a gel or paste.
  3. As a liquid.
  4. In the form of special napkins.

 Microwave cleaning spray

With the cleaning of the microwave perfectly cope and the usual means for dishes.Add a few drops in a glass of water and boil it in the microwave at maximum power for 5 minutes. All dried foods will soften.

Remove the smell of burning food

If smoke came out of the oven and burnt food, and you do not know how to get rid of the smell of burning in the microwave, you can use proven methods:

  1. Lemon use. Cut half a lemon into a bowl and pour a glass of water. Put the plate in the microwave, set the maximum power and boil the composition. After boiling, let stand for 6 minutes. Repeat the procedure with the remaining half of the lemon.
  2. Use of vinegar. Acetic acid is not only the answer to the question of how to remove the smell of burning from the microwave, but also an excellent disinfector. For the procedure, it is necessary to dilute the vinegar with water in a 1: 1 ratio and wipe the obtained composition with the walls of the device. Leave on for 5 minutes and then rinse the microwave with plain water.

 Acetic Microwave Cleaning Solution

Eliminate the smell of products

Some dishes have a strong corrosive aroma, which is difficult to get rid of. It can come not only from specifically smelling foods, but also from spoiled food.There are several effective ways to get rid of the smell in the microwave in such cases:

  1. Soda. For 50 milliliters of water, you will need 2 teaspoons of soda. Apply the mixture to the walls of the device and leave to dry. After an hour, the procedure must be repeated using a new solution. Flush the tool is not recommended.
  2. Coffee. Oddly enough, but coffee is one of the best neutralizers odors. To remove the stench from the microwave, it is necessary to wipe its walls with a solution and leave it for several hours. After that, rinse the microwave with water.

If you decide to use the coffee method, it is recommended to use a freshly brewed drink. You can use and soluble, but the effect will be worse. In any case, you need to use a savory composition.

Get rid of the smell of fat

If you do not use a lid when heating products, then over time a fatty layer forms on the walls of the device. Sooner or later he can smell. To eliminate this, it is recommended to use the following methods:

  1. Salt. Perfectly neutralizes odors. Its beauty is that there is no need to carry out unnecessary manipulations.It is only necessary to pour the product into an open dish and put the container in the microwave for the night.
  2. Activated carbon. It works the same principle as with salt. Just put 6 tablets in the microwave and leave them to do their work for a few hours.

 Sea salt in the microwave

How to prevent the formation of unpleasant odors

In order not to look for answers to the question of how to remove the smell from the microwave, it is recommended to follow a few rules that will help prevent its occurrence. If you stick to them, the unpleasant aromas will not disturb you:

  1. Keep the microwave open after use. Even a few minutes will be enough to not smell.
  2. Do not forget to use the cover. This not only protects the microwave from odors, but also prolongs its life.
  3. Wash the device more often (for more details see the articlehow to clean the microwave from grease and dirt).

As a preventive measure, it is recommended to occasionally clean the corners in the microwave with toothpaste. It is useful for disinfecting seams, grooves and joints in the device.


There are many tools to remove odors in the microwave.You can use both store supplies and improvised products. True, it is better to comply microwave rules and prevent the formation of odors. This not only affects the taste of the products, but also the performance of the device itself.

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