What to do if the dish does not spin in the microwave

Technique tends to break. Most often the breakdown seems insignificant. For example, the microwave works, but the plate does not turn or food is not heated. What to do in the case when the plate has ceased to rotate? The problem may go much deeper. Let us examine the possible causes of failure and how to eliminate them.

Possible faults

If the plate has ceased to rotate, then the torque element itself is most likely defective. In order to verify this, check whether the platform itself is installed correctly. Another reason that can be quickly and easily resolved is light bulb inside the camera. Such a problem is faced mainly by users of old models of microwave ovens.

 Microwave lamp

The following problems also occur:

  • engine damage;
  • malfunction of the gearbox;
  • poor quality wires, pins or microchips.

Broken engine

A more complex breakdown, in which the microwave plate may stop spinning, is an engine malfunction. Often, violations are related to the work of the gearbox and the quality of the wires. If the cause of the breakdown lies precisely in this, then the engine will have to be changed in any case.

 Turntable motor device

Turntable motor device

In order to understand what kind of fault you need to eliminate, take a look at the device of the engine itself. Malfunction of mechanisms also affects the operation of the motor:

  • The rotation of the plate is carried out using the motor shaft. Problems in the work of this part arise from the careless handling of the microwave. Third-party interference with the operation of the rotary element, such as manual braking, grazing the walls of the microwave or a heavy load on the mechanism can damage the device.

    After buying a microwave oven, be sure to read the instructions. how to use it properly. Pay special attention to what kind of overload it can withstand.

  • The protection of the gearbox and the motor housing against the ingress of moisture, food particles or other foreign objects into the internal environment of the microwave oven.
  • The reducer is that detail which carries out work of the rotating element. Its failure is much less common than the others, because it is caused by the wear resistance of the mechanism. If you have been using the microwave oven for quite a long time, then in case of failure of the dish, you should pay attention to the serviceability of the gearbox. Metal gears that are involved in the rotation, wear over time.

    Note! In modern models, plastic gears are installed, which can also affect the premature failure of the engine.

  • Microwave problems may be caused by a lack of power. Such a malfunction occurs when the wires are burned in the motor or the chips are damaged. Basically, this problem is faced by those users in whose homes frequent power surges are possible. Also, the causes of failure of the batteries can be water or detergents trapped inside. The solution lies in the indoor unit of the microwave.

Be careful: if you do not have knowledge of electronics, it is better to contact a specialist, where you will have expert help. Self-intervention may adversely affect the further use of the device.

Fix it yourself

We now turn to the replacement itself. The process of replacing the engine or gearbox is quite simple, it can be done by anyone, you just need to follow the video instructions.

Note! When replacing the engine, do not rotate the rotational shaft when holding the motor or touching the power terminal. This action may damage the gearbox or give you an electric shock.

note on the price of the mechanism. You should not buy cheap parts, their quality will limit the service life of the device and may soon again provoke a breakdown.


The microwave oven is a rather complicated mechanism, so if the dish is not spinning in your microwave, you should consult a specialist. Self-intervention may affect the further use of the device or lead to a complete failure of the work items.However, if you have knowledge of electrical engineering, you can try do it yourself repair.

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