How to choose a juicer for home use

If the hostess cares about the health of her family, she prefers to drink her household with freshly squeezed home-made juice than with purchased drinks from the boxes. That is why sooner or later the question arises how to choose the right juicer.

The choice of juicer directly depends on the ingredients from which the juice will be squeezed. In addition, realizing that such a unit is not a cheap pleasure, you need to clearly realize the profitability of such a purchase. If possible, squeeze the juice from different fruits, all juicers are divided into several types:

A specific type of device is selected for each family individually, depending on taste preferences and consumption volumes.

Also important manufacturing frequency freshly made fruit or vegetable drinks. For example, does the family drink juice every day or does the appliance be required only during the summer season?

Citrus Juicers

As is already clear from the name, such devices are suitable only for the production of juice from citrus fruits, for example, oranges, lemons, grapefruits or tangerines.

The design of such appliances is very simple: a special cone-shaped nozzle is installed on the motor, and under it is a container for juice.

 Citrus Juicer

Depending on preferences in the use of drinks (with or without pulp), there are various nozzles. Power such a device is small, approximately 100 watts. Some manufacturers advertise devices with more power, but this usually does not make sense. Since the device will not be used for the production of juice on an industrial scale, 100 W is sufficient.

The most convenient citrus juicer options are models with several removable nozzles. Different fruits have a different diameter, and therefore to get the maximum amount of juice, you need to choose a nozzle of the appropriate size.

In certain brands, a cover is also provided to hold half citrus. It is better to choose this type of device, as holding the fruit with your bare hands is not always convenient, especially when it comes to small lemons or tangerines.

As for the capacity for the accumulation of juice, then there are several varieties. In some units, the capacity is completely absent, and there is only a tap, under which you need to substitute a glass, where the juice will be poured.

In other models, containers can be of different sizes: from two glasses to a couple of liters. Of course, the volume should also be chosen individually. But in any case, a device with a capacity for juice will take up more space in the kitchen than a similar option without it.

 Manual citrus juicer

An additional advantage is the model with reverse function on the little engine, as in this case the efficiency of the machine is greater, respectively, and the juice will be greater.

The citrus juicer has only one major drawback - its narrow focus. It can not be used to make juice from other vegetables, fruits or herbs.

Universal model

If you want to please yourself not only with citrus juice, but also, for example,beet, then in this case the question arises, what kind of juicer to buy. The answer is simple - universal. This machine is perfect for making juice from any fruit. And you will not need to buy a juicer separately, for example, for solid vegetables and fruits, for tomatoes, for pomegranates or for apples.

The most important element in the design of the universal model is the separator.

 Juicer Separator

This item just separates the fruit or vegetable juice from the cake itself. Filtering and grouping of components occurs due to the difference in their molar masses, but this is subtlety. Depending on separator type distinguish the following types of juicers:

  • cylinder (round);
  • cone-shaped.

But which one is better to choose a juicer for vegetables and fruits? The answer is not so simple, because in this case, cost-effectiveness competes with usability.

AT cylindrical separator juice separation is better, this device has an efficiency of up to 95%, but its use is associated with certain inconveniences. Namely - the cake in the process of work is not removed from the device automatically. Having made a couple of glasses of juice, you have to stop the device, disassemble it,throw out the cake, wash the parts, and then just start squeezing the fruits and vegetables again.

Models with conical the separator automatically removes the cake from the device without interrupting the work. Some resourceful housewives immediately put the waste bag in the right place instead of the container provided, and then it is simply thrown away. However, this option has its drawbacks, the juice in this case will turn out a little less.

Which one centrifugal (so sometimes called universal) to buy a juicer, will depend on personal preferences and activity of using the device.

However, for the production of large quantities of fruit and vegetable drinks, for example, when forming blanks for the winter, none of these options will be fully suitable, since they will periodically need a break.

 Universal Juicer

Screw model

Gardeners wondering what kind of juicer to choose should pay attention to the auger juicer. With the help of such a device, it is best to keep in juice all the useful properties of fresh gifts of the garden.

Depending on the type of work The following types of devices are distinguished:

Manual optionFirst of all, suitable for use in places where there is no electricity. Such a device would be good for pushing hard fruits, but it has small limitations associated with working with certain types of fruits and vegetables. The main disadvantage of such a unit is the need to make certain efforts for its operation, therefore at home it is better to give preference to electrical analogues.

 Manual Auger Juicer

Horizontal models can be single screw and twin screw. The first option will perfectly squeeze the juice from hard juicy fruits, and besides this it will be able to grind coffee or spices, but turn fleshy fruits or vegetables into porridge.

 Horizontal Auger Juicer

Twin screws horizontal The devices are the most effective among all existing models of juicers, but they are very noisy and quite difficult to maintain due to the large number of folding parts.

 Horizontal twin screw juicer

Vertical varieties are characterized by low turnover, and therefore the juice is squeezed out carefully and very high quality, but this option is not suitable for pressing greens.

 Vertical Auger Juicer

Procedure for selecting the type of juicer

With such a variety of options, of course, it is very easy to get confused.But you can use the tips on how to choose a good juicer:

    1. If households prefer and drink mainly citrus juice, then a citrus model is needed.
    2. If the family is small, and the juice is consumed in moderation, then you need to choose a centrifugal cylindrical device.
    3. If there are four or more people in the family who moderately use juice, then it is better to choose a universal cone-shaped juicer.
    4. For the production of juice in the country and in the campaign is better to buy a manual screw option.
    5. If need compact device with the ability to spin any fruit, the vertical screw model is selected.
    6. For a multi-faceted device and with a great love of green juice, a horizontal single screw would be ideal. fruit and vegetable juicer.
    7. The best option for economical gardeners is a horizontal twin-screw machine.

What else is important to know when choosing

When deciding how to choose a home juicer, you need to pay attention to some technical characteristics of the device:

  • Quality parts, such as durable plastic or stainless steel.
  • The number of revolutions: You should not overpay for excessive speed, because only 8-10 thousand revolutions per minute are enough.
  • The power of the device can be from 200 to 1200 W, units with large maximum powers are usually not fully working in real life.

Even a quality device may not be used often enough if it is trite to be inconvenient to use. You need to try to device had the following characteristics:

  • Convenient inlet size.
  • The length of the wire is at least 1 meter.
  • Several nozzles or modes for different vegetables and fruits.
  • Automatic safety control, that is, the inability to turn on the device when improperly assembled.
  • Stable legs of the device.

The modern market can offer the buyer various models of juicers for any requirements and the level of the material state of the buyer. In stores, consultants can not only show juicers, but also tell you how to choose a suitable option. Even the simplest device will be of great help in caring for the health of the family. BUT what kind of juicer is better to choose for home, you need to decide individually.

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Continuing the theme:

Ten best juicers according to home appliance buyers. Rating juicers with a detailed description of the technical features, advantages and disadvantages. Screw and centrifugal juicers.

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