Cleaning the drain hole in the refrigerator

Refrigerator - appliances that require maintenance. But often we do not attach much importance to this. And such negligence can lead to its breakdown, for which you will have to pay a considerable part of the hard earned. But with proper care and attention, your big friend in the kitchen can serve faithfully for many years. Have you often noticed the accumulation of water in the refrigerator? It would seem okay. But no. Water should not accumulate, most likely, your drainage hole clogged and needs to be cleaned. Over time, it becomes clogged with mucus and small food crumbs, which causes an unpleasant smell in the refrigerator, and the water does not go away. Ice is formed, which leads to a decrease in power. Therefore, it is recommended to do periodic cleaning. Let's figure out how to do it.

 Back of the fridge

Methods for cleaning the drainage hole

The drain hole is plastic tube behind the refrigerator, which leads to a plastic tray near the engine. There are various ways to clean it, depending on the severity of the blockage.

  1. You can clean the drain hole with a special brush, which you can buy at the plumbing shop. Instead of a brush, you can also use a cotton swab.
  2. This can be done with the help of an ordinary medical syringe or rubber bulb. It is necessary to collect warm water and inject it into the tube with force, respectively, this is done after defrost the refrigerator. It is necessary to carry out the described action several times, at the same time water can be diluted with detergent.
  3. For the third cleaning method, it is necessary to defrost the refrigerator and leave it to dry for 6-10 hours. After that, prepare a long thin wire and push through the remnants of food. But be careful: in no case can not damage the tube. It is necessary to clean the drain from two sides. Next, you need to rinse the hole with warm water. You can clean the hole and remove the drain pipe, so you will achieve the best result.

All these methods are applicable for cleaning the drain in the refrigerator compartment, but the drainage compartment also needs to be cleaned. in the freezer. Self-cleaning the latter is strongly discouraged, as it is deep and there is a possibility of damaging the mechanisms. In this case, you should contact the professionals.

 Cleaning the drain hole

The problem lies in the reason

It is important to understand that the cause of water in the refrigerator can not only be clogged. Damage to the drainage tube or holes are a frequent case, after which water accumulates on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or even under it. To solve this problem, it is necessary to inspect the pipe and fix it in the required position. If it has actual damage, it is better to install a new one.

Another reason might be that the fridge it is uneven, as a result, its doors are not tightly closed, and heat enters inside. The compressor tries to restore the optimum temperature, and begins to freeze harder, which causes frost on the walls. And the last one melts, forming water in the fridge. Solving such a problem is easy, you just need to adjust the level of the refrigerator.

The cause of the problem may be tank damageinto which fluid is drained from the drain hole. In this case, it is necessary to replace it.You don’t have to do it yourself, since finding a suitable spare part for a certain model of a refrigerator can be difficult. Entrust this business to professionals, the cost of such repairs are usually not too high.


Summarizing, we can say that you can fix some problems that arise during the process of using the refrigerator yourself; in order to solve others, you will have to resort to the help of specialists. But the main thing - you must always monitor the condition of your equipment, follow the rules of operation and then it will serve you for a very long time.

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