What is the drip defrosting system of the refrigerator

Drip system defrost the refrigerator - this is the principle of operation of modern refrigerators of the average price category, equipped with a special panel with an evaporator, capable of independently adjusting temperature indicators. As a result of the smooth operation of such a system, the chamber of the refrigerator is not covered with ice, since all the condensate accumulates on the inner wall and flows into special containers.

Such an apparatus works on the principle of “freezing and thawing”. In the back wall there is a special evaporative element that accumulates ice buildup during compressor operation. Thanks to the built-in program, the compressor is turned off at regular time intervals, the ice raid begins to thaw and drain into a specially designated container. In this case, it’s not worth worrying about the other parts of the refrigerator, as they remain dry.

 Evaporator in the refrigerator

There is another modern principle of operation - this is the “No frost” system, i.e., without freezing. The principle of operation is slightly different, although in some ways it is similar to the previous one. In refrigerators equipped with a similar system, there is a compressor and a rear cooling panel; however, low temperatures in such a unit are distributed in a cold chamber with the help of built-in fans. Thanks to these fans, the cold is evenly distributed throughout the chamber.. The back panel is covered with condensate, but here it is much smaller.

Comparison of two defrost systems

To more clearly understand how these 2 systems differ from each other, you need to consider all the pros and cons of each. Advantages of drip defrosting system:

  • such models are categorized as affordable;
  • a large range of models, there is a choice for every taste;
  • units are equipped with fairly large cameras;
  • refrigerators with such a defrost system consume less electricity;
  • quiet operation is provided.

 Drip system defrost the refrigerator

Disadvantages of drip defrosting system:

  • in the freezers such a system is not provided;
  • the back panel inside the camera is constantly covered with ice bloom;
  • this unit will require more frequent defrosting than the same “No frost”;
  • the lower and upper parts of the refrigerator compartment may differ in temperature by several degrees.

Advantages of the No frost system:

  • requires minimal maintenance;
  • temperature is distributed throughout the chamber evenly;
  • the presence of such a system in the freezer greatly facilitates the use of such a refrigerator;
  • after a break, the temperature inside the chamber is quickly restored;
  • there is a quick freeze function;
  • There is almost no condensation on the back of the camera.
 System no frost

The device refrigerators with the system "Nо Frost"

Cons of the system "No frost":

  • similar models do not differ in big spaciousness;
  • such refrigerators are more expensive;
  • “No frost” system consists of many details, therefore from a technical point of view the probability of breakage is higher;
  • such models need more electricity;
  • among the presented models often come across quite noisy.

What kind of refrigerator to choose, decide for everyone independently.

The principle of operation of refrigerators with drip defrosting system

Such refrigerators are very easy to use, and their value will suit any buyer. The principle of operation of such units is as follows:

  1. The refrigerator is equipped with a panel that accumulates condensate and removes it in special built-in tanks.
  2. The defrost occurs unnoticed by the owners, as there is a built-in mode that evenly distributes the freezing and thawing times.
  3. All modern refrigerators, which operate by the principle of defrosting, are equipped with special alarms, which are triggered at the moment of unfavorable temperature inside the chamber. Then the owners will independently learn that their refrigerator needs to be defrosted.

Do not worry about the fact that such a device requires manual defrosting, since the drip system is quite well developed. The only thing that needs to be periodically remembered is the cleaning of tanks that accumulate water, as sometimes they tend to clog.

 How to clean the fridge?

To do this procedure, it is possible to get acquainted in more detail with the existing instructions, which describe how to clean containers.

Usually for cleaning use a syringe or a thin wire.

These auxiliary tools will help to remove stuck dirt from the holes.

What do consumers say?

Today, every consumer chooses exactly the refrigerator that suits him in terms of characteristics and price. Many people purchase units that are equipped with a defrosting system. Their choice, they are explained by several reasons:

  • comfortable use;
  • affordable price;
  • reliable quality.

Like any equipment, such refrigerators have some drawbacks, but they are not so noticeable if you follow a number of recommendations:

  1. The refrigerator must be properly maintained, i.e. about 1 time per year to carry out general cleaning of all items.
  2. Do not touch the back panel while the refrigerator is running, especially not trying to scrape off the frost from it.
  3. Do not use aggressive detergents or metal sponges when cleaning.

Observance of the elementary rules of use will prolong the life of the refrigerator, and the drip defrosting system will allow completely unnoticed adjustment of icing and thawing of the inner chamber,so that the owners of this model will automatically eliminate the problem of manual defrosting.

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Continuing the theme:

Rating of embedded refrigerators for 2017: the ten best models in quality and reliability. Their features, technical characteristics, positive and negative sides.

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Denis / 07/08/2017 07:11

What temperature to put in the drip system from -1do-3


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