How to cut a grinder

Modern Bulgarian is a versatile tool designed to perform different jobs. It can be used to cut various materials: metal, wood, plywood, natural stone, foam block, cinder block, paving and tile, brick, laminate, concrete, plain and organic glass. At the same time, sheets, blocks, pipes are cut, strokes are made. Also, an angle grinder performs grinding and polishing surfaces. When working, it is important to know how to cut the grinder correctly - not only the quality of the result, but also personal safety to a great extent depends on it. When working with different materials it is necessary to use only the circles intended for them.

Cutting wood, plywood, laminate using angle grinders

To use an angle grinder to cut wood, plywood or laminate, use the appropriate discs. They are specially designed for work at high speeds. But the best suitable circles for sale are quite rare.

Wood cutting

Special wood disc has side teeth that increase the size of the cut. In any case, you need to cut the wood carefully. The thickness of the boards should not exceed 4 cm.

 Wood drive

Cutting wood with a grinder is a very insecure occupation, during which you can easily get hurt. It is strictly forbidden to use the circles from the circular saw, because they are designed to work at a speed that does not exceed 3000 rpm. If jamming occurs, such circles may collapse. This is due to the fact that they are made of solid, but relatively brittle steel. Also do not apply nozzles with large teeth, because it increases the likelihood that the teeth will catch, and the circle will jam. In this case, the probability of tearing out power tools from hands increases many times.

If, despite the increased danger, it was decided to cut the boards with an angle grinder, then the following recommendations should be followed.

  1. If you can adjust the number of revolutions of the disc, it is recommended to set the minimum possible number.
     Setting turns

  2. During sawing, the tool must be kept in the same (working) plane, because distortions can easily cause traumatic consequences.
  3. Lock button after switching on the power tool, it is not necessary to clamp it, since if necessary it is more difficult to turn it off.
     Lock button

  4. Sawed wood must be dried, not dried (raw) lumber is not worth cutting.
  5. With a relatively large length of boards, it is better to work with a partner.
  6. Safety instructions are required.
  7. The best option is to work with boards that have the same thickness.
  8. The sawn material should not contain extraneous inclusions, for example, nails, self-tapping screws, bolts, wire.

In order to best secure the workflow, the grinder should be used as a circular sawfixed in a stationary (fixed) position. When this tool is fixed on the frame, having guides. During sawing, the working material is fed in the same way as on the circular.

 A circular saw

The main disadvantage of this method of cutting sawn timber is the relative complexity of its implementation from a technical point of view.

Sawing laminate and plywood

To cut laminate, use circles on metal, concrete, intended for cutting ceramic tilesas well as fine-toothed wood. When working it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • cut should be performed from the front of the slats, so as not to leave chips in the place of the cut;
  • due to the formation of a large amount of dust and the appearance of an unpleasant smell of burning material, it is necessary to work in a well-ventilated area;
  • to obtain an even cut, the slat must be fixed.

To saw plywood, apply wood wheels. Cutting is performed on a previously marked line. In this case, care should be taken to ensure that the circle before the end does not jam the sawed-off fragment of the sheet.

 Cutting laminate grinder

Quarter sample in the board

With the help of an angle grinder, you can select a quarter in the board, but to perform this operation requires experience of this kind of work and good skills in using the tool. The best option would be to secure the grinder in a stationary, fixed position. Then the work will be done as on a circular machine.

In the case of manual sampling of a quarter with the help of a grinder, it is necessary to secure the wooden blank securely so that it does not move. This method is suitable mainly only when working with a thick board, because it is quite problematic to control the depth of the cut. At the same time it is easily possible to cut through wood through thin places.

A quarter is chosen in the board as follows:

  • mark lumber with a pencil or marker;
  • perform the cut from the edge (end) of the board, slowly, carefully leading the tool along the marked line;
  • cut the lumber at another elevation.

 Selection of a quarter grinder

Grinders can also choose quarters using a special cutter. Self-made nozzle is better for personal safety not to use. The method of using the cutter allows you to make grooves in the details of relatively small size.

Both considered options with significant amounts of work are not suitable, since the process of sampling a quarter with an angle grinder proceeds relatively slowly.

It is better to perform all operations with an experienced partner in order to receive the necessary assistance, if necessary.

Brick cutting

Brick is a common material in construction. It is often required to be customized in size, carrying out repairs in the living conditions. In this case, brick cutting with a grinder is a very frequent operation. For its carrying out, besides a working power tool with cutting discs, such devices will be required:

  • construction pencil or chalk;
  • ruler and square.

The whole process of cutting brick blocks is accompanied by significant dust generationtherefore, care should be taken to protect the respiratory organs and eyes from dust. To do this, use glasses and a respirator, or a solid mask. Hands must be protected with gloves.

 Brick cutting grinder

To work with virtually no dust, you need to regularly water the cut site.

The cutting process itself consists of several stages:

  • drawing with chalk or pencil marking lines using a ruler or a square;
  • cutting bricks, in which the circle must pass near the plotted line in order to provide the required size of a block fragment.

Under the sawn brick recommended underlay the boardto work more conveniently and not to damage the flooring. When cutting a brick block, no pressure is required on the power tool. Enough little effort. When work is carried out with the use of circles with an insufficient diameter for complete sawing, an incision is made along the marked perimeter. Extra beat off with a hammer, and then polished.

 Board under the brick

Efficiency and quality of the final result can be improved by using special bed. It allows you to securely fix the grinder and brick block. At the same time it becomes possible to saw a brick not only along or across, but also at different angles. This setting is shown in the following photo.

To saw a brick immediately, without turning, you should use circles with a disc diameter of 230 mm. It is easier to handle cut sections if the size of the nozzle is 125 mm. If such a comparatively small disc cuts blocks, then the quality of the result will largely be determined by the skill of the cutter.Also, the work time will increase, productivity will decrease.

Brick saw blades

Cutting discs for cutting brick blocks should be selected correctly. Suitable discs fall into two categories:

  • abrasive;
  • diamond

The main advantage of the first group of circles is their relatively low cost. But abrasive nozzles often have to be replaced because of their failure.

Abrasive discs can break during work, or crack, deform - this is the danger of their use.

 Abrasive disc

Diamond circles are considered the best option for cutting brick blocks. They are made of durable steel grades. Such nozzles are characterized by a long service life. They are safer than abrasive counterparts. Among the diamond discs there are several varieties:

  • circles with a solid diamond edge;
  • segment nozzles;
  • the circles possessing the cutting edge with teeths.

 Diamond disc

Products of the first group are characterized by low price. But when used, they wear out faster and heat up more than other analogues. Segment discs distinguished by the best removal of brick particles from the cut. They also heat up slowly. This type is a good option when cutting is done dry.

Nozzle group with serrated edge possesses the best strength characteristics among other varieties. They are used both in the wet cutting method and in the dry. They differ in long service life.

Features of cutting glass and plexiglas grinder

Glass is a transparent, durable, but relatively fragile material. It has good temperature resistance. For its processing requires the use of special tools. At home, cutting the glass allows you to perform a regular grinder, and the work is progressing pretty quickly.

To cut glass grinder, as working nozzles using circles on the concrete or granite. During sawing it is required constantly pour cold water material at the cut point. This is due to the fact that this zone is very hot. Higher temperatures lead to faster disk wear. Cooling prevents this, and also improves the quality of sawing.

 Cutting glass grinder

In this way, you can cut different types of glass:

  • bottle;
  • the usual;
  • borosilicate;
  • crystal

Organic glass (plexiglas) differs in its properties from ordinary. It is durable, but lightweight material that comes in different colors. It has received various practical applications. In this case, it is often necessary to cut off fragments of the desired size from the whole sheet. The use of an angle grinder for cutting organic glass is one of the options suitable for home use.

As a working nozzle for cutting plexiglass, thin (no more than 1 mm) circles should be used, which are used for sawing ordinary glass.

 Plexiglass cutting grinder

Plexiglass cutting is also accompanied significant heating of the cutoff zone. As a result, smoke may appear as well as melting of the edges of the material. In this case, the molten particles will scatter on the sides. Getting on the skin, they in some cases lead to burns. To avoid these phenomena, it is necessary to cool the contact area of ​​the circle with Plexiglas in time.

Recommendations for sawing paving slabs and curbstones

The paving slabs are the demanded material allowing to equip beautifully and with taste the paths in the yard or in the garden. In addition to the attractive appearance, the material is durable, durable, wide range. In most cases, the curbstone, which by its characteristics is similar to the pavement material, will be laid on the sides of the tracks.

Often when laying the tracks, tiles and borders must be trimmed to the desired size. For these purposes use various tools, one of which is the Bulgarian. To effectively perform sawing, it is recommended to use this power tool with a circle with a diameter of more than 230 mm and a power value equal to or greater than 2 kW. All work is done with a diamond disc.

 Cutting paving slabs grinder

The cutting of paving slabs and curbstones with an angle grinder itself is performed in the same way as sawing bricks.

  1. First, on the surface of the sawn materials put on the size of a marker or chalk marking.
  2. Check the accuracy of the marked marking lines by applying a tile or curb to the place of installation.
  3. At coincidence of the sizes and a form, make sawing up of a building material without strong pressure upon the used electric tool.

If the cuts contain defects after cutting, they are eliminated using suitable tools (for example, a hacksaw, chisel, file). The circle of the working tool must rotate so that the dust flies in the opposite direction from the working side. At the same time he must hold the working power tool with two hands, being behind or to the side of it.

 Polishing of paving slabs

The quality of the result and the number of tile trimming depend on the accuracy of the initial marking.

Cut into fragments of the desired size, the tile should be set aside separately, so that it does not get dust. For convenience of the subsequent laying it is possible to number pieces. Still uncut material should be covered in dust, because then remove it from the surface of the tile is quite problematic.

Sawing concrete without dust

At the construction site and during home repairs often have to cut the concrete grinder. This very dusty procedure is indispensable, especially during the installation of concealed wiring. To perform the work, the tool is equipped with solid or segmented diamond discs various diameters. The size of the wheels depends on the model of power tools used, and on the necessary depth of sawing.

 Concrete Wall Cutting

To cut a non-reinforced concrete block of small size without dust or to make a gutter, do this:

  • marking lines are applied on the working surface with a construction pencil or marker;
  • marked area with a nearby area using a spray gun or a brush (even rags) moistened with water, which is then periodically poured over the cut furrow;
  • sawing concrete, regularly taking out the disk and cooling it with water.

Cutting concrete with a wet method will not completely eliminate dust. This requires the presence of permanent irrigation.

To cut the concrete without the formation of dust, some masters use a special homemade casingwhich is practically hermetic. Dust removal is provided with a vacuum cleaner connected for this purpose.

 Casing for cutting concrete

Cutting bricks, glass, concrete, wood, plywood and other materials considered is necessary using personal protective equipment: glasses, respirator or mask, headphones. Clothes with shoes should also be suitable.

The operated angle grinder must be in good condition. It should be used for cutting quality cutting discs, without defects. Disks and the power tool itself before performing the work required to inspect. It is necessary to carry out sawing, having adopted a comfortable, stable position of the body.

During work it is forbidden to use drugs or alcohol. Overall health should also be normal. The grinder should be kept under control, because you can get a very serious injury. In this case, the more powerful the device, the more carefully, carefully, and more carefully it is necessary to handle it.

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