Is it possible to drill a concrete wall with a conventional drill

Many people know that the most common misconception among home craftsmen is the opinion that concrete surfaces can be drilled using conventional drills for metal and wood. Far from it! You will need a special drill for concrete for the drill, otherwise you can spoil not only the drill itself, not intended for such a surface, but also completely ruin the unit for drilling.

Structural features

Unlike any other species, concrete drills have special soldering along the entire length, which add extra strength to the drill bit. This allows them to keep their technical characteristics for a long time and to work with such solid materials as concrete, brick, foam block, etc.

 Concrete drilling

The drill on concrete has the distinctive external signs which allow not to be mistaken at the choice.

  1. Concrete tips have a blunt finish with pobeditskoy soldering.
  2. As a rule, all drills for concrete walls have a characteristic white color, for metal products - black, for wooden structures - light metal.
  3. The tip has a slightly larger size compared to the rod itself.

The win is a heavy-duty alloy, which is used in the manufacture of machinery for the extraction of mining materials.

 Concrete drills


Depending on the device with which the drills will be used, they are usually classified according to the following features.

  1. Drill for drill. The shank has a cylindrical or multifaceted shape. Have a relatively small size. Designed to work with solid materials (brick, foam block, etc.). For the application you will need a special drill for drilling concrete, with increased power.
      Concrete Drill Bits

    Carbide Drills for Concrete for Drill

  2. Punch Drill Bits have a large size. On the case of the drill there is a mark «SDS MAX». Such drills are designed for drilling particularly hard surfaces (for example, reinforced concrete).
     Concrete drill

    The drill on concrete 40X1000 / 880ММ SDS MAX ASTER for the perforator

It is not always possible to drill a concrete wall with a conventional drill. In this case, you will need a special tool - a puncher, which has tremendous power and a percussive drilling technique. Perforator is also often called brown concrete. There are 3 types of this tool:

  • screw - to create deep and wide holes;
  • spiral - to create medium depth holes;
  • gentle to create small holes.

Work tips

How to drill a concrete wall using special drills? Everything is quite simple. By adhering to these recommendations, you can easily make an even hole in a solid wall with a drill or a perforator.

  1. Training. Before starting work, make sure that you have drills for different purposes. It is possible that when drilling a concrete wall, the master stumbles upon a metal frame. In this case, you need to change the “consumables” for concrete to the drill for metal, make a small hole in the metal frame and then continue the process.
  2. Break. When working with a perforator or a drill, it is necessary to take short breaks in the work so that the drill can cool down.15-20 seconds of continuous rotation strongly heat the drill, which greatly reduces its strength. The important point is that cooling should take place naturally, i.e. without the use of water or other cooling elements.
  3. Modes of operation. If you are going to drill a concrete wall with a drill, you need to activate a special impact mode. This can be done by turning the corresponding lever on the device.
  4. Drilling ceramics. For drilling ceramics often use drills for concrete. In order for the material not to split, it is necessary to do the work not with a perforator, but with a special drill with the impact mode turned off.

In order to avoid the emergence of bubbles during the pouring of concrete, which negatively affect the characteristics of the material, use a special device - a vibrator for concrete.

 Vibrator for concrete

Vibrators for compacting concrete

What is a vibrator for concrete

Vibrator for concrete - a tool that with the help of vibration tamps flooded surface, thereby compacting the upper and lower layers of the future structure. If you want to get solid screedwithout a vibrator is not enough. But to buy it is not necessary.The house master is quite capable of making a concrete vibrator with his own hands from a high-powered drill.

The principle of operation is quite simple: the apparatus transmits mechanical vibrations from the upper layer to the lower layers. Under the influence of vibration, the remaining air bubbles burst and fill with solution.

In order to assemble a surface vibrator, you need to take a metal or wooden plate, to which your drill will be attached with a broken or unnecessary attachment. The most simplified option is to put any flat metal object on the surface filled with concrete and press on it. power tool chuck.

In such work, it is necessary to press on the drill at a right angle. This will ensure the most efficient use of the device.

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