Massager for prostatitis: the best assistant in the treatment

With a disease such as prostatitis, doctors consider massage to be one of the effective means and recommend a massager not only for treatment, but also for prostate prophylaxis. Performing massage procedures increases blood circulation in the tissues, improves the functioning of the lymphatic system, reduces inflammation. After consulting a doctor, you can independently carry out health procedures at home. Massager for the treatment of prostatitis will help in this.

Features of the disease and causes

In the prostate gland over time occurs secret cluster, which becomes a favorable environment for the development of bacteria and microbes. In a healthy body, the outflow of secretion occurs naturally.

Inflammation of the prostate gland occurs for the following reasons:

  • hypothermia;
  • weakened immunity;
  • stress;
  • lack of physical activity, sedentary work;
  • bad habits;
  • injuries;
  • impaired blood supply and stagnation of lymph in the pelvic organs;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • urinary infections.

 Prostate inflammation

Performing prostate massage for prophylactic purposes with a special massager will save a man from an unpleasant disease.

Massage appointment

Proper massage performance contributes to:

  1. Removal of inflammatory processes, which improves the patency of the ducts and contributes to the natural outflow of secretions.
  2. More effective drug treatment: by improving blood circulation, antibiotics penetrate better into diseased tissue.
  3. Improve venous and lymphatic drainage.

Types of devices

There are various types of massage devices. Conventionally, they can be divided into two groups.

Massager for prostatitis can be:

  • contact, invasive - is introduced into the rectum and directly affects the prostate gland;
  • non-contact, non-invasiveapplied outside in the groin area.

Invasive, It is also called an anal massager, it is considered more effective because it acts directly on the diseased organ and stimulates the secretion of the accumulated secret.

Invasive massagers can be either with vibrators or without them. Vibro massagers such as Mavit, Aneros, are recommended for home use. They are safe, equipped with timers that control the duration of the session.

 Mavit prostate massager

Medical prostate massager without vibration works using the method of electrical stimulation. Two electrodes are used, one of which, together with the catheter, is inserted into the urethra, and the second is fixed in the area of ​​the coccyx. The procedure is performed by a doctor who selects the intensity of exposure, focusing on the feelings of the patient.

The use of electric massagers is possible only in a hospital under the supervision of a specialist.

Non-invasive Massagers are used outside on the pubic-coccygeal muscle, activate the processes in the prostate and in the pelvic organs. But they do not cause such a discharge with the release of a secret, so their effectiveness is less.

 Non-invasive massagers for prostatitis

Due to their safety and ease of use, they are very popular with men.Especially popular massager "Straw bull". You can use it anywhere: at home or in the office. It is necessary to sit on it for 10 minutes, performing forward movements with the pelvis. This massager is good to use. for preventive purposes.

How to use a vibrating massager at home

Any massage device should be used correctly, observing both the rules of operation and the recommendations of the attending physician. Presented video tutorial demonstrates how to properly use a urological massager for the prostate.

Terms of use are very well described in the instructions of any massage device:

  1. It is necessary to empty the intestines and bladder before the procedure.
  2. Place the massager's nozzle in a medical condom and lubricate with petroleum jelly.
  3. It is best to adopt the recommended posture: lie down on your back, bend your legs at the knees.
  4. The device, more precisely, its end, which has a flattened shape, gently enter into the rectum and press against the upper surface of the rectum - to the location of the prostate.
  5. The end of the procedure is accompanied by a beep.

The course of prostate massage with a massager consists of 10 sessions.

 Prostate massager

Acquire a medical prostate massager is necessary only in the points of the pharmacy network! In this case, be sure to make sure that:

  • the device is certified and safe for health;
  • successfully conducted clinical trials.


Despite the apparent ease of use of the massager with a vibrator, you need to know about contraindications. Device prohibited to apply:

  • in the stage of exacerbation of prostatitis, with severe pain, in the absence of a natural outflow of secretion;
  • with prostate tuberculosis;
  • in the presence of stones in the prostate;
  • inflammation of the rectum;
  • in the presence of cancer of the pelvic organs.

Remember! Using the device without consulting the attending urologist may worsen the condition and harm health.

How to choose a massager

How to choose the device from the existing set of prostate massagers? Of course, first of all, he should:

  • to be effective in treating the disease;
  • be comfortable to use;
  • have individual tolerance.

 Massager simulator from prostatitis

The best prostate massager must meet all the above requirements.

If we are talking about the prevention of the disease, then preference can be given to a non-invasive device.


According to statistics, 30% of the male population after the age of forty suffer from prostatitis. Stagnation in the prostate leads to serious consequences. The best way to prevent illness is to take preventive measures. The prostate massager relieves not only pain, but also normalizes sex life, enhances potency and improves men's health..

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