Features of the work of the water scavenger

Since ancient times it is known about the benefits of silver for human health. A regular use of water containing this element will have a beneficial effect on the general well-being and even help fight some diseases. It is not at all necessary to buy such a product on purpose - household water grabbers can be easily purchased in every home.


Silver water application

There are specific problems that regular use of water can cope with after exposure to a silver ionizer. We are talking about complete extermination of pathogenic bacteria, fungi and viruses. A significant plus is that such treatment is absolutely safe for humans.

It is recommended to use water obtained after treatment with such a device in the following cases:

  • the presence of infections and inflammations;
  • cold, flu, sore throat and other diseases of the respiratory organs;
  • oral problems (stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • skin conditions (from ulcers, dermatitis to burns);
  • many other outdoor diseases.

You can either rinse your nose and throat with water, or take it inside. For skin irritations, baths and compresses have proven themselves well.

Common Water Oserebritel found its application in other economic purposes - they can disinfect drinking water, carry out small procedures for disinfection, as well as preserve food. And if you add it to the vase, where there are cut flowers, they will stand for much longer. Experienced gardeners recommend soaking seeds in it to germinate seedlings.

 Vessel with water

The resulting concentrate can wipe the paws of pets. This is very important in cases where there is also a small child at home.

The effect of the resulting product

Enough four o'clock, so that the water from the device described by us destroys all the dangerous bacteria.This one hundred percent result will be fixed by the fact that pathogenic microbes are not capable of producing immunity to silver. At the same time, the useful microflora does not suffer in any way - it nullifies the risk of dysbiosis.

In practice, the device will look like this: the device has two electrodes, one of which is made of pure silver (sample 999.9), and the other is made of stainless steel. When any similar apparatus is in operation, silver ions begin to actively be released.

Specifications suggest different concentrations.

  1. 35 μg / liter drinking water solution. Such water is allowed to drink for the purpose of a number of prevention of various gastrointestinal diseases. It is also perfect for marinade. It can handle dishes and toys.
  2. 10,000 mcg / l of concentrated solution. It is used for cosmetic purposes, for washing, for inhalation of the respiratory tract, as well as for germinating seeds.

Popular models of silver ionizers

What device to buy for home? Check out the list of the most popular and proven sterilizing devices and make your choice.


The instrument version called “Nevoton” fully complies with all the above recommendations. It is enough to simply put on a jug or a jar and connect to the network. Ovorebritel water "Nevoton" will help in increase in the level of lymphocytes in the body. Regular consumption of the fluid produced by the device will help the work of many internal organs - from the brain, glands, liver, kidneys to the bones of the skeleton. It can be used both for adults and children.


In this case, the anode electrode is designed for a resource of 60,000 liters. The cost of the device from 2500 rubles will allow you to put such an ionizer in your kitchen with anyone with any financial wealth.

Compact Silver

The silver Serebrin has a slightly different device - it has all the cathodes hidden in the cartridge. This element is similar to a float: it contains all the same electrodes already familiar to us with a silver and stainless steel coating. The cartridge is connected to the power supply unit by wire - by the way, on the unit itself there are all the necessary controls.

Compact size adds lightweight - only 100 grams. This makes the device mobile. And the price of 1300 rubles is a real purchase for everyone.



The George water picker is another immunity stimulator that was created with the direct participation of domestic luminaries. In addition, it will help destroy microorganisms that are responsible for 650 diseases (while conventional antibiotics deal with only 5-10 species).

The principle of operation is similar to the previous devices: water is poured into the container and the device is lowered. Used here too replaceable cartridgethe longer he stays there, the greater will be the concentration of silver water.


It is possible to buy “George” for no less than 3000 rubles, but at present it is discontinued and replaced with the analogue Nevoton IS112.

Miniature Silva

However, the Silva-936 Avtomat is recognized as the most convenient device. On the appearance he no more lipstickthat makes it possible to take it with you anywhere.

One of the main bonuses - for the operation of the device does not require electricity. Ozerebritel need to shake, put in water and wait a bit. Auto power off will take place within 3 minutes of continuous operation. In addition, this technique does not require the replacement of batteries and battery.


Each of these silver ionizers consumes no more than 5 W, which is much smaller than a regular kettle.Keeping the budget, this device will increase the health of all family members, which is much better than the modern expensive treatment.

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