UV Quartz Lamps - Health for All Family Members

Ultraviolet quartz lamps are used not only as a treatment device, but also for air disinfection in room. Such devices have found wide application in medicine and cosmetology, but today more and more often modern man begins to use such a device in everyday life. Therefore, the choice is to understand the features of the products offered, as well as learn how to determine the difference between the types of such lamps.

 UV Quartz Lamp and Goggles

What are the lamps

Devices that emit ultraviolet light, in their organization very much resemble the usual fluorescent lights. Ultraviolet devices are of two types: open and closed.

Open models

Such devices emit blue light and are most often used in medical and school radiation. They are getting home if they need to carry out frequent disinfection of the room when a small child appears. But the inconvenience of such lamps is the lack of people in the room when the lamp is on. Being in the room while the device is in operation, a person can get a severe burn, because the surface of the light bulb is not covered, due to which the radiation propagates in all directions.

 Open lamp

Closed options

A closed UV lamp allows it to be used even if there are people in the room to be treated. This is possible due to the fact that light bulb hidden inside the casewhere disinfection of air flow occurs. The air enters the room already in its pure form.

 Quartz ultraviolet irradiator closed

Special purpose devices

Such devices are purchased by people who need to cope with chronic infectious diseases. They are designed to cope with seasonal viruses, and are used to strengthen human immunity.

 Quartz ultraviolet irradiator open

Tips for choosing a device

In order for a home UV lamp to fulfill all the functions for which its acquisition will be carried out, there are a lot of things to consider.

  1. For the disinfection of premises and the treatment of chronic diseases, a model should be purchased that has additional nozzles.
  2. The device with a margin of power consumption should be discarded, since it can cause more harm than good.
  3. Before buying, you should check the equipment, must necessarily be present protective glasses.
  4. Do not buy too cheap or too expensive lamp. It is better to choose an instrument of average cost, which is suitable for a particular case.
  5. Be sure to clarify the warranty period.
  6. Before you go shopping, it is better to find out the trademarks of these products, which are most attractive in terms of price-quality ratio.

Having decided to buy a similar device for yourself, never forget that it is of medical purpose. In order not to harm health when used, it is necessary to comply with all requirements of operation and safety.

 The child undergoes quartz treatment

What harm can a UV lamp do?

Everyone knows that the radiation of ultraviolet nature is the natural support of all systems of the human body. But modern technologies have gone ahead and provided the user with an alternative and convenient option - quartz ultraviolet lamps, which are designed for specific purposes.

But, despite all the attractive features and laudatory reviews, it is worthwhile before acquiring such a device to study not only the benefits, but also the harm of the lamps.

Quartz lamps are very useful for people in general. After all, even with deadly diseases, they will help to prolong life by stopping the spread of dangerous cells throughout the body. Also thanks to the use of devices it is possible to stabilize the general condition and strengthen the immune system.

It should be noted that due to the use of lamps, a harmless and maximally safe environment for a person’s residence is created in the rooms.

But such devices can also be harmful to health. This happens if not adhered to safety and rules of operation of the device. If you follow all the rules, the device will serve for a long time, without having any threat to human health.

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