Which sterilizer is better suited for manicure instruments.

There are three types of sterilizers that are well suited for manicure instruments:

  • thermal;
  • ultraviolet;
  • ultrasonic.


Among the thermal emit three types of sterilizers:

  • ball;
  • autoclave;
  • dry heat cabinet.

Ball sterilizer for manicure instruments (glasperlenovy) ensures their working surface is immersed in a container with quartz glass balls at a temperature of up to 250 C⁰ for 5-15 seconds. As a result of this procedure, the tool is not from a heat-resistant alloy is deformed and dulled over time. Balls are changed once a year or six months.

Ball sterilizer for heat-resistant manicure tools consumes little electricity.He is able to process objects of several people at the same time (if each master has three devices in accordance with the standard) and can remain on all day. RuNail RU-505 with a metal container and a plastic case is popular among such devices. It is compact and consumes only 55 watts.

 Ball sterilizer RU-505 from RuNail

In the autoclaveThe instrument is affected by steam from distilled water under pressure up to 3 atmospheres with temperatures up to 135 C⁰. Such a manicure sterilizer spends a bit of electricity and quickly processes items without adversely affecting them. Able to handle many objects at once.


Dry Heat Cabinettreats metal manicure sets with dry steam at a temperature of 200-260 C⁰. Sterilization time ranges from 30 to 120 minutes depending on the temperature and model of the device.

 Dry Heat Cabinet


Before processing the tools with an ultraviolet manicure (and not only) sterilizer is necessarychemical disinfection. Items are placed in a special solution. Unlike chemical sterilization, this operation does not require the conditions of bacteriological boxing and subsequent washing of the instrument in distilled water.to stop corrosion.

Work surface is processed ultraviolet sterilizer 30-40 minutes (15-20 minutes - each side). Full exposure will take 1.5-2 hours. Such a device easily sterilizes plastic tools. Usually they are stored in such devices. Burnt lamps are replaced by new ones.

The best known are UV sterilizers from PlanetNails: the economical MiniGer with a small container and a larger Germix SB-1002.

 Germix SB-1002

Quartz sterilizer speech therapy instruments uses ultraviolet radiation from a 9 watt quartz lamp. It is used for half-hour processing of speech therapy and cosmetology devices. Thanks to the mirror bottom of the tray, they are sterilized on all sides. It is used for plastic probe substitutes, since it does not heat objects.


The ultrasonic sterilizer is suitable for manicure and hairdressing tools, as well as jewelry. The ultrasonic wave travels through the solution in the container, increasing the dielectric pressure, which creates microvacuum bubbles. Their decay cleans the object from dirt, rust, harmful bacteria and microorganisms.However, it does not damage even ceramic, plastic and glass tools.

Ultrasonic sterilizer is used according to the following instructions:

  1. Processed items are placed in a container.
  2. It is two-thirds filled with disinfectant.
  3. The device is connected to the network and set the time of sterilization on the timer (up to 10 minutes).
  4. Turn on the device.

The sterilizer turns off automatically. The stand inside the container, if necessary, is removed and washed. Processed tools are stored in it. For a more complete removal of bacteria in cosmetology, this method is combined with the subsequent heat treated.

 Ultrasound sterilizer

Additional measures

The manicurist must also maintain cleanliness in the workplace and monitor the quality of consumables. In a personal manicure set, the blades are wiped with gauze and a cloth moistened with alcohol and chloramide solution.

For home sterilization, the instrument is kept in an oven heated to 200 C⁰ for 15 minutes, which, however, does not completely destroy bacteria and microbes.


Before choosing a sterilizer for manicure instruments, it is necessary to determine the following parameters:

  • required degree of purification;
  • the size of the items;
  • their stuff.

Solve, which sterilizer is better in each case, need relying on these parameters. It is preferable to combine several processing methods.

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