How to turn on the gas column

Interruptions in hot water supply deprive us of the usual comfort. To prevent this from happening, you can use the additional possibilities of getting hot water. One of the devices dedicated to this purpose is the gas column. If you learn to use it correctly, the equipment will be easy to use. And one of the pressing questions: how to turn on the gas column?


Brief introduction to the device

One of the most common myths that scares potential buyers - such equipment is dangerous to use. However, this prejudice is valid when using models of the old model. Today, the units are improved and safe, many of them (for example, offers from Bosch) are equipped automatic protectionin which in an emergency case the fuel supply is blocked.

To know the terms of use, you should make up to submit it internal organization. Models of any firms include all of the following elements:

  • node with gas equipment;
  • water connection unit;
  • exhaust system;
  • other mechanisms;
  • electrical appliances.

 Device speakers

The case itself resembles in appearance a cabinet that connects to the water supply system and gas pipeline. The heating elements are located in its lower part and are represented by the main burner and igniter.

How to use a gas column? The operation of the device is carried out according to the following principle:

  • cold water under pressure enters the heat exchanger - this automatically opens the fuel valve;
  • ignition device ignites;
  • the gas will go to the main burner, where it is ignited from the igniter;
  • heat will heat the water;
  • products from combustion are removed through a system of chimneys and extracts.

How to ignite the device

Before starting work, open the gas and water pipes. Light a gas column in three ways.


The manual method was used in models of the old sample. In this case, it is necessary to ignite with the help of matches. Here it was necessary to perform a number of such preliminary manipulations:

  • open the water supply system connected to the device;
  • open the main valve for fuel flow to the igniter;
  • light the wick with matches;
  • Turn on the valve (main) for gas supply.

The downside is that you must turn off the wick manually. It is required to master the above practical skills and not allow children to use the device.

 Termet column

With piezo freshener

We can say that this column is a semi-automatic. How to use this type of gas column? It will be enough press a buttonto ignite the wick in the combustion chamber. With the help of a mechanical force the spark is transformed - it turns out to be enough so that the ignition filter lights up. With this method, it is also necessary to fulfill a number of mandatory requirements:

  • in order to ignite the main burner, it will be necessary to turn on the main regulator in the fuel supply;
  • the ignition filter will remain lit when the regulator returns to the main position and turns off the water.

In such structures there is a drawback - excessive fuel consumption.Vivid examples of such speakers are models Bosch WR 10-2 P miniMAXX-2, Nevalux 5111, Junkers WR 10-2 PB and other options.

 Piezo ignition column layout


The ability to automatically turn on provides a completely improved modifications that are easy and safe to use, even for beginners. Hydropower system most modern manufacturers offer (Bosch, its direct competitor Electrolux and many others). The process of starting work is simplified to the limit.

  1. For example, in Bosch Therm 6000 O, the pressure of the water uses a turbine. It launches an automatic system inside the device that ignites both the wick and the main burner.
  2. The manufacturer Bosch has a line Therm 2000 O and Therm 4000 O, which carry out electrical ignition from batteries (it will be necessary to monitor the resource of their work).
  3. The Bosch AM1E series speakers already have a digital control panel that will immediately show all possible switching errors.

The fully automated process has one drawback: in many homes, low pressure in the water supply, and this may not be enough for the normal operation of the turbine. In addition, such devices are significantly more expensive than their less advanced counterparts.

 Power adjustment

Mandatory precautions

To any purchased equipment attached instructions for proper operation of the gas column. The principle of operation of most of them is identical to the above, but here the red line should be mandatory compliance with safety regulations.

  1. Required to conduct preventive cleaning gas column to avoid a violation of the effectiveness of its work (how to do this, you can read in the document going to the gas column - instructions).
  2. Relevant check of the condition of the chimney tracks - this will help avoid their blockage.
  3. When the device fails, you should immediately contact gas service. Independent attempts to fix the problem are prohibited.

In more detail the inclusion of the unit is shown in the video:

It is enough to understand once how to light the device in order to provide comfortable and instant heating of running water. And then you can just enjoy the work of this convenient heater.

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