Why the water in the gas column is not heated

Gas water heater is a popular household appliance. It is characterized by simplicity of the device, reliability and unpretentiousness in handling. With proper care and timely replacement of consumables, such a unit can last a long time. However, like any mechanism, the water heater is subject to some damage. Poor fuel, impurities in the water, improper operation - all this causes its imprint, leading to malfunctions. If you notice that the gas column does not heat up the water well or does not heat it at all, this is a clear indicator of serious problems inside the device.

 Gas column

The principle of functioning of the speakers

Why is the gas water heater not heating? To answer this question, you need to understand the internal structure of the unit. The complexity of the repair will depend on the design features of a particular model.

The operation of a gas water heater allows you to provide an apartment or a small house with hot water. For direct heating of the liquid, a special part is provided in the device - heat exchanger. In it, the water flow is distributed along thin ducts that pass over a gas burner.

This method allows you to achieve rapid heating during use, eliminating the need to add liquid to an additional tank.

Other parts and sensors serve to control the heating, protect the device, supply and ignite the fuel. By type of ignition system water heaters are divided into three types.

  • Piezorozhzhig - a system that allows you to do without the igniter.
  • The device with a igniter is made in the form of a constantly burning wick. It is set on fire manually or with a tumbler. Not the most practical device, widely used in the columns of the previous generation.
  • Electric ignition system.Acts on the principle of car ignition.

The design of the device includes water knot ("Frog"), which includes a membrane and a gas valve connected by a stem. The gas supply valve can open only with good water pressure on the membrane. Simply put - without water flow, fuel supply to the burner is impossible. In addition, this system allows you to save gas.


Gas water station

Major breakdowns

Having understood the structure, you can consider typical problems that occur in such devices.

Chimney blockage

One of the most common reasons why water does not heat up may be a blocked ventilation well. A chimney clogged with debris is not able to create sufficient traction for burning, therefore the protection system incorporated into the device blocks the fuel supply.

 Chimney blockage

By clearing the chimney from soot and foreign objects, you will eliminate the problem. Check the system for performance by using a lit candle. Bring it to the well and watch the flame. If it is strongly deviated, it means that the thrust is in order.

Faulty ignition system

The second most common problem with water heaters is discharged batteries. This problem only applies to systems with automatic ignition. Despite the loud statements by manufacturers that their batteries last up to a year, they should be changed more often. In addition to simple discharge, the element may oxidize or simply be defective. Get in a rule to periodically check its status.

To eliminate the damage you need:

  • check the operation of the ignition activation keys;
  • change batteries.

 Battery compartment

This is the simplest procedure, which can be done independently.

Low water pressure

Often the gas column heats the water badly because false positive protective system. Due to the weak pressure of the liquid on the membrane, the system does not include a gas supply valve. Revealing a problem is simple: open the mixer and follow the stream of water. If it is weak, it means that somewhere in the water supply there are problems.

To solve the problem you will need:

  • contact the utility service and clarify the cause of low pressure;
  • clean the filter system from contamination or replace it with a new one;
  • leave a request for cleaning pipes in the public service;
  • thoroughly clean the gas water heater from soot and soot;
  • check the performance of the membrane and replace it with a new one if necessary;

 Membrane in water knot

Lost water supply system

Quite a rare problem that occurs when the wrong setting of the equipment. If the gas water heater lights up, but goes out after a while, the balance in the cold and hot liquid supply system most likely has been disturbed. Experts say the following about this: do not mix cold and hot water during the operation of the column. This provokes attenuation of the burner flame, and also contradicts the rules for operating the device. It is possible to fix the breakdown by reducing the head of the flow of cold water.

Wear membrane

The next breaker provocateur may be its own membrane in the check valve. Over time, intensive work deforms the part with constant loads. This leads to a loss of sensitivity in the ignition sensor of the burner, the gas valve does not open, and the column goes out. To prevent the situation does not work, even the most reliable membranes lose elasticity over time. Experts recommend carry out the replacement the details every five to seven years.

To identify wear is quite simple - turn on the maximum water pressure. If the burner has gone out, then the matter is in the old membrane.

Attenuation during operation

If the gas in the gas column lights up and then goes out during operation, it is out of order. bimetallic sensor. Its main task is to measure the temperature and protect the device from excessive heating. Such a breakdown can manifest itself in different ways.

  1. The column turns on and runs for some time without incident, then the burner is extinguished without any reason, and the work is stopped. Attempts to ignite it again do not bring results. After 10 minutes, the device can function again, but soon the gas will stop flowing again. The explanation for this lies in the excessive sensitivity of the sensor.
  2. Shutdowns and ignitions have a chaotic nature, it is impossible to predict periods of stable operation. This time the problem occurs due to damaged device wires. The broken insulation of the conductors causes a short circuit on the body and the operation of the fuse.

This breakdown cannot be fixed at home. You must contact the service or directly to the manufacturer.


Bimetal sensor

This problem has a "seasonal" nature. Summer stuffiness or closed rooms can provoke overheating of the device, which is not a failure by itself. Try moving the device to a ventilated area or contact a competent wizard.


The banal reason why the column heats the water weakly may be excessive accumulation of scale on the heating elements. With this problem, gas is stably supplied to the burner, water circulates through it, but under similar conditions it will not heat to the desired temperature.

Scale forms as a result of contact of the device with bad water or idle burning of the igniter. Working after shutting down the main system, the heat exchanger evaporates the remaining water, thereby increasing the layer of scale. Unscathed by fresh water tributaries, it manages to settle on the walls and firmly fix itself. Over time, the heating element will stop warming, and the column will stop working. You can fix the problem washing the heat exchanger in a special solution.

To avoid the active formation of scale, experts recommend to resort to the installation of a water filter.

 Heat exchanger

Here is a brief list of reasons why an ordinary gas water heater does not heat water.Some of them are easy to fix on their own, others require the intervention of professionals. Remember to take precautions when working with gas equipment and follow all instructions from professional mechanics. Among other things, the timely replacement of wearing parts will help to avoid most of the damage.

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