What aroma oils can be used for a humidifier

Our life is inherently associated with a variety of smells. Some remind us of a holiday, others are associated with a spoiled product. Aromatic oils that can be used for a humidifier are designed to create the most pleasant atmosphere for us in the house.

Some smells not only create a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere, but also tone up or have a healing effect.

Why do we need the function of flavoring

It is interesting that the humidifier with aromatization can be used not only to create freshness and comfort in the house, but also for aromatherapy. Such devices are often used not only at home, but also in massage rooms or cosmetology salons.

 Aroma Humidifier

You need to know that special aroma oils can be added only to the humidifier, which is equipped with a special function of flavoring. If you pour the ether into ordinary water, you can spoil the device.

Choosing a flavoring humidifier

We subconsciously strive to ensure that only pleasant smells reign in our house. At which only tricks manufacturers do not go, releasing both conventional air fresheners and automatic devices or containers with aromapasta. But none of these products works as effectively as a humidifier with aroma function. Unfortunately, not any device is suitable for these purposes.

Devices that do not use:

  1. Steam models. If you add flavors to them, the device will have to be washed after each use.
     Steam humidifier

  2. Ultrasound options. When using oils, the operation of the humidifier deteriorates and it quickly fails.
     Ultrasonic Air Humidifier

  3. Traditional appliances. By adding flavors, you not only doom yourself to frequent washing of the device, but also to frequent changes of filters.
     Traditional air humidifier

Devices that can be used with aroma oils:

  1. Options that work on the principle of washing, as they are less susceptible to contamination and do not use replacement filters in their work.
     Air wash
  2. Humidifier that has a special aroma function. For this purpose, a special compartment is provided in the apparatus, into which the flavoring is placed, without harm to the device itself.
     Aroma Humidifier

Of course, the advantage of this method of distribution of smell is obvious, because the pleasant aroma is evenly distributed throughout the room and does not erode for a long time.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, the use of essential oils is very widespread. True, few people understand what the benefits of certain odors are, and what effect they can have on the body. As positive points worth noting:

  1. Some odors can help cope with respiratory problems.
  2. Help restore calm.
  3. Some odors affect the improvement of the cardiac system.
  4. Certain odors have a beneficial effect on hair growth or skin.
  5. Using a humidifier favorably affects the brain,A well-chosen flavor for your device will help with concentration.
  6. Essential oils increase immunity, which affects the overall health of the body.

Scientists have proven that phytocins contained in aromatic oils have a beneficial effect on the human immune system, and the fastest way to get into the body is through the airborne route.

The oils themselves do not pose a danger to your health, but you should use a moisturizer carefully, as well as follow some rules:

  1. Do not violate the recommended dose of the smelling substance in an effort to make the smell more saturated.
  2. Carefully choose the air. As a rule, the composition is always written on the package and its purpose.
  3. A humidifier, which can be used with aromatization, should not be included for a long time, the smell will so quickly spread and last a considerable amount of time.
  4. Beware of odors that may cause allergies.
  5. If you have problems with bronchi, then do not choose saturated odors.
  6. During pregnancy and in the process of feeding a child, such additives should not be abused, as sharp odors can cause allergies in you and the baby.
  7. People who have problems with thyroid, is contraindicated in the use of substances that aromatize the air.

It is obvious that, in general, oils are not harmful to the body, but on the contrary, they are very useful. But it is necessary to take into account special factors and individual intolerance, so as not to aggravate your health.

Popular fragrances and their influence on people

If you think about it, then there are a lot of aromas that are used to create a pleasant atmosphere at home. But what effects do they have, and what are the specifics of their use? Which ones are needed only to flavor the room, and which ones affect the health?

  1. The aroma of orange promotes vigor, energizes, relieves anxiety, and is also useful for insomnia. Good effect on digestion and heart.
  2. Basil is recommended for those who suffer from spasmodic attacks, in particular, from severe headache.
  3. The aroma of bergamot will help in the fight against fungal deposits in the apartment, besides, it has a beneficial effect on the area of ​​the brain, which is responsible for creative activity. Also, this fragrance helps to reduce the temperature of the disease.
  4. Eucalyptus oils help fight against viral infections and protect the body from germs.
  5. Tea tree oil has a similar effect. In addition, it effectively repels insects.
  6. The aroma of lemon helps fight viruses and helps with headaches.
  7. Lavender oil is recommended for people suffering from depression, emotional instability or devastation.
  8. Chamomile helps with problems with the digestive system, as well as a relaxing effect on the body and helps to combat stress.
  9. Apply cloves recommended if you can not get rid of wet cough. Its flavor contributes to the withdrawal of sputum.
  10. In the room where the patient is, it is good to use camphor oil. It has a disinfecting and analgesic effect.
  11. It is equally effective to apply anise to get rid of sputum.
  12. Juniper extract can be used for viral diseases as well as for normalizing blood pressure.
  13. Pine and peppermint oil do a great job with colds.
  14. During a severe cold, you can use sage oil. It accelerates blood flow, which stimulates the work of the throat ligaments.
  15. The aroma of yarrow is not just struggling with microbes, it slows down the process of their spread.

 Essential Oils for Home

Always remember that if you do not find an extract on the box, then it is better not to add it to the humidifier. It can harm both the operation of your device and your health.

Effective combinations

Using air fragrances, you can not only use a specific smell, but also combine flavors, creating incredible healing effects. You can combine them yourself using the instructions on the package, or you can use ready-made recipes that have already passed their effectiveness test:

  1. The combination of pine, chamomile extract and petigrain will help to cope with insomnia. If you can not sleep or wake up often at night, this recipe is for you.
  2. If your work is related to mindfulness, then a mixture of pine, frankincense, spruce and orange will suit you. This aroma stimulates blood circulation and, as a result, increases brain efficiency.
  3. If you often get tired at work, you have a depressed emotional state, and you are constantly experiencing stress, then a mixture of sandalwood, ylang-ylang and lavender will put you in order.
  4. A mixture of aromas of pine, ginger, fir and peppermint will help you maintain a good mood and look at the world with a positive.
  5. In order to relax and not think about the problems and troubles, it is good to use a combination of oils of sandalwood, lavender, petigrain and marjoram.

When adding flavors should be proportioned. For 15 square meters, 5 drops of oil or a mixture of oils should be used.

The use of aroma oils does not harm the body, but on the contrary, has a beneficial effect on it. But in some cases, it is worth avoiding a certain aroma or group of smells. Do not forget about safety rules and enjoy the fresh and clean air at home!

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