New batteries have been created that make life easier for patients with pacemakers.

Irish scientists from the University of Queens have created a flexible battery for pacemakers with the ability to decompose.

In addition to the ability to completely disappear from the human body after a certain time interval, such a battery retains a charge three times longer. It is made of non-combustible material and has design features that prevent the processes of energy leakage. The ability of the device to bend, adjusting to the movements of the human body, makes the process of wearing devices with such batteries much more comfortable.

 Flexible battery

Gita Srinivashan, the project manager, hopes that in the very near future a new invention will be included in various medical devices and devices. As examples, she cited pacemakers and defibrillators consisting of two different parts.The first part is attached to the heart, the second is fixed under the skin and is connected to the first with the help of a wire. Currently, for these purposes apply solid batteriesmade of metal. They often cause discomfort to patients due to too obvious sensations of the presence of a foreign body in the body. In addition, after a certain period of time, they are discharged and require replacement with new ones.

New batteries, in addition to flexibility, have a number of other advantages. For example, they are much lighter, the absence of combustible substances in the composition eliminates the possibility of fire.

 Pacemaker with flexible battery

The ability to decompose eliminates the need to spend money on a complex processing procedure. The materials used in the manufacture of products are much more economical and safer than those used in metal analogues. The “self-destruction” procedure starts at + 27C, so the decomposition mechanism is absolutely safe for humans.

In case of successful completion of tests, new batteries can be used not only for medical purposes, but also in a complete set with a variety of electronic devices for household and industrial use.

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