New car speakers allow each passenger to listen to their favorite music

Hyundai specialists have created a music system that takes into account the preferences of each passenger in the car.

It is no secret that very often the passengers in the confined space of the passenger compartment suffer from the fact that they have to listen to music that is not included in the list of their musical tastes. Sometimes these inconsistencies result in conflict, turning the trip into a painful wait for the final destination. Hyundai offered a solution to the problem, and no headphones or other similar accessories would be required for passengers.

The new speaker system is called Separated Sound Zone SSZ, in the next couple of years it will begin to be added to the Hyundai production models. The essence of technology is reduced to the concept of “divided audio space”. Throughout the cabin cars set numerous speakers that form the acoustic field.Each field is monitored and guided to a specific passenger, while the sounds of other fields located in the area of ​​other passengers are neutralized. The technology makes it possible to use individual audio space not only to listen to music files, but also to talk on the phone.

The inventors appreciate the results achieved. New acoustics allows you to save passengers from having to listen to other sounds that interfere with them, but are extremely necessary for the driver. Instructions of the navigation system, telephone conversations and any other information that comes to the driver, thanks to the SSZ system, will remain in a closed acoustic space without disturbing the passengers.

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