New gadget from NOKIA will help prevent cancer

Company representatives Nokia announced the development of a gadget that can detect the presence of cancer at an early stage.

Well-known a few years ago, the NOKIA corporation, which produces well-known telephones of past generations, has now transferred its capacities to the development of a new direction. It's about the health industry. The scope of development involves the creation of models of phones, smartphones and other electronic devices, allowing to closely track the health status of the owner.

 Smartphone Nokia

According to the CEO, Rajiv Suri, in the near future, medicine around the world will be reoriented to remote surgical interventions through 5G networks, as well as to the use of devices that register possible malfunctions in the human body.

The new gadget from Nokia will track the composition of the blood of its owner, including the presence of tumor tumor markers.

At the slightest suspicion of the occurrence of a malignant formation, the system will notify the patient and his attending physician of the need for additional examinations. In parallel, the device will monitor the level of glucose, cholesterol, lactic acid.

In recent years, medicine has made a major breakthrough in the creation of new methods for the early detection of cancer. A great merit in this belongs to the IT-specialists who develop devices that monitor important vital signs. The development and implementation of such devices can reduce the cost of health care, as well as significantly reduce the mortality rate from diseases requiring early diagnosis.

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