Robot became a citizen of Saudi Arabia

An unprecedented event occurred in Saudi Arabia - the robot received official citizenship of this country.

It is about Sophia, a female-modeled robot created by Hanson Robotics. Immediately after the official procedure for obtaining citizenship, Sofia was given the right to a welcoming speech, in which she highly appreciated the granted opportunity to become the world's first robot-citizen.

 Robot girl

A little later, a representative of the New York Times Andrew Ross Sorkin organized an interview with the robot. Interesting questions and no less amusing answers excited the public. So, for example, when a journalist asked a question about the presence of intelligence and intelligence in robots, Sophia replied that Andrew himself would not have been superfluous to answer himself, for what reason he thinks that he is a human being.

Answering the question about her future plans, Sofia noted that her main task is to use artificial intelligence to improve the quality of life of people.For example, existing skills can help robots create smart technology, design innovative cities.

 Interview girl robot

The procedure with Sofia citizenship caused a wave of discontent among the residents of Saudi Arabia. The public was outraged by how simple the robot was able to become a full-fledged member of their country from a legal point of view, while thousands of working migrants have a very limited set of rights - for example, they are unable to leave the country without the consent of the employer.

In addition, during the conference, the effeminate robot was in front of people without the traditional hijab for Saudi Arabia, nor was the man accompanying him. This completely violated the customs and traditions of a Muslim country.

Time will tell what this legal precedent will ultimately lead to. However, it is already clear that this story will not remain without attention of the world community.

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