Solar powered aircraft is already a reality

The specialists of the Swiss company SolarStratos have developed a plane capable of flying in the stratosphere, while using solar energy. The length of the aircraft is almost nine meters, its wingspan is 25 meters, and a 20 kW lithium battery ensures the operation of the device. In order to make a new aircraft easier and thus save energy resources, scientists abandoned all that, without which, in principle, you can do. For example, the cockpit will not be sealed and insulated, so the pilot will have to operate the aircraft in a spacesuit and special equipment.

The first tests of the device have already passed in the spring of 2017, then the flight lasted 7 minutes, and the plane itself rose to an altitude of 300 meters.

The next, now a real flight to the stratosphere is planned for 2018. Specialists intend to raise the ship to a 23-kilometer height and provide a 15-minute stratospheric flight.

In the event that the following tests pass successfully, one can expect that many investors will be interested in the project. By providing additional funding and material support, it will be possible to achieve a real breakthrough in the field of aviation. Subsequently, such aircraft will be used in various industries, including for transporting people over long distances.

For reference. Representatives of the company SolarStratos are known around the world for numerous projects related to the creation of various options for environmental transport.

So, a few years ago, they created solar powered boat. And although to date, none of the inventions have received widespread use, scientists intend to continue their work on attempts to implement new promising projects.

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