Shapa scales will eliminate the need to monitor weight

Created smart scales Shapa, designed to control the weight of a very unusual way. A distinctive feature of the device is that the board does not display the cherished figures of your weight.


Scales are connected to the gadget through a special application. During each weighing procedure, the weight is fixed, but you do not see it. Instead, the device will regularly notify you about the need for weighing (this should be done twice a day) and demonstrate your progress in finding a beautiful figure through different colors. The appeared blue color will tell you that everything goes according to plan, and the weight goes away. A gray, on the contrary, will indicate the need to seriously increase physical activity and more responsibly approach the process of nutrition.

 Information on display

According to the authors of the invention, colors, and not numbers, are much more motivating to keep the body in shape.And the “Tasks” feature present in the novelty can also track what exactly is the most effective way for you to lose weight. Among the tasks may be something like "Eat a leaf of lettuce at every snack." Following the instructions of the device, you automatically report on the work done. If the effect is - artificial intelligence assigns you such tasks more often, if not - replaces them with others.

 Decoding colors

The scales themselves are about 6 thousand rubles, in addition to them, once a month you need to buy a subscription to "smart functionality", which will cost an average of 500 rubles.

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