A new line of Adidas sneakers will be created by robots.

Adidas management has announced the start of production of the new Adidas Made For series of sneakers in a fully robotic factory.

This plant is located in Germany, from day to day it will start its work. At the end of October, the goods will begin to arrive in stores in London and Paris, and in the beginning of next year, another four major metropolitan areas - New York, Los Angeles, Tokyo and Shanghai.

The AM4 series is designed for people of different ages, leading an active lifestyle. The manufacturer intends to take into account the specifics of each city, so the batches of goods produced will differ significantly from each other.

Further plans for Adidas include the opening of another similar plant in the United States. But, unlike German, the range of products manufactured by them will not be limited to only sneakers of one line.

Adidas was one of the first to introduce technologies to fully automate processes and use new, modern ways of creating clothes and shoes.So, the company’s specialists have already manufactured soles produced by 3 D printing. Top management of the brand is confident that the creation of robotic enterprises will significantly save resources, as well as ensure that there are procedures for proper control over the quality of the goods produced.

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