Living bacteria found in space

Cosmic bacteria have been discovered on the surface of the sector of the International Space Station, which is under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation. The main question that worries professionals at the moment, where they came from. The fact that microorganisms do not represent a serious danger, scientists have already found out.

Cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerov gave an interview to the TASS news agency, in which he gave some details. The fact is that during the planned spacewalks, the specialists at the base must remove the strokes from the station surface. For this purpose, special cotton swabs are used. Most often, samples are taken from sectors in which fuel waste or from the darkest areas of the station accumulate. Subsequently, the samples are delivered to the ground, where they are carefully studied.

It was in this way that bacteria of unknown origin were detected, which during the launch of the module on its surface was not observed. The nature of their appearance is unclear.But if it is possible to prove that microorganisms have arrived from space, this will be another significant argument of supporters of the theory of the presence of life not only on Earth, but also beyond its borders.

During the research another interesting fact was discovered. On the outer surface were also found and terrestrial bacteriadelivered randomly with the necessary equipment. They survived despite the extreme cosmic conditions - temperatures ranging from -150 to + 150 ° C and vacuum.

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