Experts from the Netherlands have created an insect robot

Dutch experts from the University of Delft created a unique robot that can fly like an insect. The four wing creature is called Nimble.

Installed wings allow the robot not only to rise and fall, but also to change the direction of movement - to turn left or right. Externally, the device is surprisingly similar to a real insect, which makes others feel a little uneasy. A full battery charge allows the robot to fly for about 5 minutes, while covering a distance of more than a kilometer.


The creators assure that Nimble was created to solve many problems of the modern world. One specific example was the re-creation of the behavior of fruit flies through a robot and its study. Specialists were able to investigate maneuvers that insects use to overcome obstacles, which in the future will help to better understand their behavior.

The natural habitats of insects make it difficult to study them, the environment is usually microscopic, and the winged themselves are usually very active. With the help of the new invention it became possible to simulate natural situations and use the material obtained for experiments and research.

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