The Chinese have come up with a technology that evaluates the "invisibility" of objects

Chinese experts have developed their own technology that allows you to test the invisible aircraft. The author of the development was the company Shenyang.

The Shenyang brand is known for its industrial and civil aircraft. In particular, the company's engineers developed the Chinese version of the Su-27 fighter. New development - a system capable of assessing the effectiveness of the dispersion parameters of air and water vehicles.

 Invisible aircraft

The parameter, which allows to assess the degree of visibility of objects for specialized radars, is called the “effective area of ​​dispersion”. The smaller the value takes this parameter, the harder it is to notice the aircraft or watercraft.

To reduce the area, designers give objects a specific shape, and the surface is processed with materials that allow them to modulate the wave.This allows you to simulate the absence of an object at a particular point of tracking radar.

Models of newly created devices are tested using the created technology, which allows you to fully evaluate the created "invisible".

The technology variant itself was tested by Chinese experts on the example of the J-11 aircraft. In the future, it is planned to assess the degree of “invisibility” of the J-20 and FC-31 fighters.

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