Magic Leap's virtual assistant is able to make contact with users.

The company Magic Leap has introduced its new development - a virtual assistant in human form. This is a young girl named Mica. The assistant can not yet conduct a dialogue with the user, the developers are focused on improving the emotional component and the plasticity of movements.

The Magic Leap brand is widely known for its augmented reality headset released a few months ago. The headset itself received extremely controversial reviews from experts, but the creators do not intend to stop, and continue to work on their invention.

Mica is only a demo version of a real virtual reality assistant. The creators claim that in the very near future she will be able to talk and conduct a full-fledged dialogue with the user. One of the correspondents Venturebeat managed to come into contact with a virtual assistant.He was impressed with the objects that he was able to see through the Magic Leap headset. However, an even more exciting moment was that in one of the rooms he was able to see Mika. The correspondent sat down opposite her, and within a few minutes the virtual girl tried to imitate the movements of a specialist.

As planned by the authors, Mica is just one of the many types that the company intends to create. Virtual heroes can not only be assistants and AI assistants, but also act as full-fledged interlocutors at various venues.

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