New dancing robot can take with you to the disco

Zurich High Technical School presented a robot that can dance to music. In this case, the machine analyzes the sounds and is able to move in time. Novelty called ANYmal.

It is worth noting that this is not the first such invention. There are already and striptease robots, and machines that synchronize movement with each other. The fundamental difference between ANYmal and all others is that it responds to a musical composition in the mode of the current time, and not according to a pre-programmed script.

With the help of special programs, you can teach the robot to analyze the rhythm after a certain number of beats in the n-th period of time and to produce movements in strict accordance with this rhythm. At the same time, the robot will also independently check whether the movements correspond to the current piece of music. ANYmal is able to adapt to the following composition, changing the rhythm and tempo of movements.The only thing that the dancer lacks so far is originality and diversity.

One of the project leaders, Peter Fankhauser, noted that the development of the project was fueled by the idea of ​​creating a character that it would have been possible to take to the disco. At the same time, he will dance to the beat, and independently adjust to the various dance compositions.

The authors note that the ANYmal movements have a long time to finalize, before they begin to resemble the natural movements of the real dance.

Despite the seeming simplicity and fun of the idea, the project can be developed in many vital industries. The ability of a machine to predict its behavior in a certain interval of the future in a short time can save more than one human life.

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