In China, a super air purification unit appeared.

Chinese experts put into operation a device that allows to clean the air from smog. The device works on the solar battery.

Chinese industry has been developing at a very high rate for many years, so the problem of smog is highly relevant. Recently, doctors began to sound the alarm, because polluted air began to provoke serious health problems. An increasing number of Chinese mayors do not skimp on the strength and resources to improve the environmental situation in the country. For example, an anti-smog plant, which has no analogues in the world at present, began operating in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. Innovative approach of development specialists was manifested in providing the device with the opportunity to work in a passive mode.


The essence of the device is as follows. On the surface of a large number of installed glass roofs that absorb the energy of the sun.The air at the same time heats up and flows into the central tube. After that, it undergoes multiple purification through various filters and returns to the atmosphere.

 Cleaner in china

The new invention is capable of passing more than 7 million cubic meters of air daily. The data obtained indicate that after cleaning the amount of solid particles in the atmosphere decreases by 19%.

The amount of investment in the project amounted to 2 million dollars, the area that the device is capable of cleaning is more than 10 square kilometers.

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