Dishwasher error value E4

The dishwasher mechanism includes a set of instruments and sensors that provide operation. In case of failure of individual nodes, the work of the machine is blocked, preventing starting with the existing breakdown. The signal of the problem is the flashing of the combination of buttons in older models and the appearance on the display error code - in the new technique. The krona dishwasher identifies the problem by removing a combination of the letter E and a specific number (for example, E4).

 Krone Machine

Deciphering major errors

During operation of the machine can be faced with a mechanical failure of some elements. An error may also occur due to a failure in the control system. If the unit is in working condition, run self-diagnosis system, after which the problem code is determined. Knowing the deciphering of a combination of characters, you can determine the site of a breakdown and try to repair the defect on your own.

If there is a need to replace parts, which will require disassembly of the case, it is better to contact a specialist. Power failure equipment also requires some knowledge.

Manufacturers of different brands use different fault codes, but some of them are very similar. The crown washing units have a number of similar errors with the dishwasher of Hans. The most common trouble codes are as follows:

  1. Е1- triggered leakage protection due to the absence of water entering the dishwasher.
  2. E2- drain time exceeds the permissible value, or insufficient pressure in the water supply system.
  3. E3 - the water is not heated to the required temperature.
  4. E4 - an excess amount of water in the tank.
  5. E5 - de-energized thermistor.
  6. Е6 - Е7 - power supply of heating units is broken or missing.
 Power check

Checking the power supply heating nodes

What to do when an error E4

When determining the fault code E4 in the dishwasher crown or Hans in the washing unit there was an overflow of water. This circumstance can provoke several factors:

  • failure of the water level sensor;
  • valve damage.

The elimination of damage is carried out by replacement of defective items. In this case, it is safer to use the services of the service center, since it is necessary to disassemble the design of the unit. Of course, you can find a video instruction for repairing a dishwasher on the Internet and use it if you have experience troubleshooting equipment. For example, this video will tell you how to check the water inlet valve yourself.

Kitchen washing appliances spread with acceleration, as it greatly simplifies the cleaning process and saves valuable time. As with any technique, dishwasher requires careful care. Incorrect operation violates the functionality of the working units, which may render it unusable.

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