How to choose a garden shredder

Growing environmentally friendly products from your garden and kitchen garden without the use of chemical fertilizers is not a fantasy, but a reality. All you need is under your feet. For this, a garden shredder was created: the device not only saves the site of excess waste, but also helps to process the latter into a full-fledged fertilizer.

What is a shredder for branches

Under the garden shredder means a special type of technology that facilitates the process of crushing the roots, branches, bark, pruning of trees and vines, as well as other plant residues. All of the above is, in fact, an excellent tool for humus. The unit has another name - garden shredder.


Externally, the device looks like a disk to which small knives are attached. Depending on the speed of rotation, the degree of waste shredding varies - from small pieces to wood sawdust.

Best of all, the shredder copes with “soft debris”, which means leaves, grass, small branches and stems.

The raw materials processed in this way can be used not only for compost preparation. For example, the resulting mass of wood waste can heat the house along with firewood. And if you grind fruit chips, then it can be used for smoking meat.

How the device works

According to the principle of operation, the unit is similar to a meat grinder: we lay bark, branches, tops, cones, and at the output we get a fragmented result that can be used as fertilizer. So it makes powerful knives that start the engine, which can operate from the network, and from gasoline fuel.

 Shredder knives

Most of these devices have the same format of the internal device - it is a case with a motor and grinding system inside it. Raw materials served through the funnel, which varies in width for different types of processed materials: for grinding wood it is better to use with a narrow entrance, and for foliage and grass, on the contrary, with a wide one.

 The principle of the shredder?

Having passed through knives, the crushed mulch gets enough sleep from a special opening. At the same time, it can get into a plastic tank or a soft bag - it all depends on the model. There are options and generally without container. Here, the consumer chooses according to his requirements for such a device.

Classification of garden shredders

Such devices can be selected based on the presented classification. There are two main ones:

  • as a knife system;
  • by type of engine.

By types of knife system

The type of raw material for the shredder depends on the type of cutting knives. Here you can select 4 common options.

    1. Disk device. This garden shredder is designed for garbage that can be considered soft. In the most simple models there are two horizontally positioned knives. Such devices are best suited for grass and branches that do not exceed 2.5 cm in diameter, that is, it is quite suitable for an ordinary vegetable garden.In a more complex version of the knives can be two or three times more, and they can work in both horizontal and vertical planes. In such cases, you can already perform more serious tasks.
    2. Milling option is a cylindrical cutting unit with a large number of knives. Bocsh instruments, such as the model AXT 25 TC, have such a millipede mill. The device will perfectly cope with both fresh and dry branches.

       Bosch AXT 25TC

      Chopper Bosch AXT 25TC

    3. If the so-called crusher is declared worm type, in this case, the cutting unit assembly will largely resemble a screw from a meat grinder. The advantages include universal features: the device works with both branches (dry and freshly cut) and with grass. True, in the latter case it will often have to clean. Here, Bosch AXT Rapid 2200, for example, has proven itself well.

       Bosch AXT Rapid 2200 2200W

      Chopper Bosch AXT Rapid 2200 2200W

    4. If a cutting shaft is used in the device, then such a crushing unit has great power and is suitable even for branches of trees up to 8 cm in diameter. An assembly with such a node is called household chip. The industrial version of the device works with even thicker branches.

 Types of shredders

By type of engine

Here the choice is much easier to make - the preference is given to the petrol or electric variant.

For electric shredder characterized by ease of maintenance, lightness and environmental friendliness. Even women and pensioners can work with it - the unit is lightweight. The big plus is that it does not spoil the air by products of combustion and does not emit harmful products. However, you can not discount the binding to the network: you need a cord, which imposes a restriction on the maneuverability in the work. Electric shredder is suitable only for a small garden area. In addition, the electric motor does not give too much power - the maximum diameter of the cut branches is 4 cm.

 Viking GE 140 L

Electric garden grinder of branches Viking GE 140 L

Gasoline systems have the power and mobility. Most often, they are universal tools suitable for tree branches and bushes up to 7 cm thick. However, one has to get used to the disadvantages of such units, among which the main ones are the emission of harmful substances as a result of fuel combustion and a rather noticeable noise level.

 Viking GB 460 C

Petrol garden shredder Viking GB 460 C

Do not forget that the use of such a device is quite expensive: both engine oil and gasoline will require certain costs.

Selection criteria

Determining the actual model of the shredder to the country, consider the main criteria. First you need to decide what exactly is planned to grind, and how often the user plans to work with the unit - depends on the type of the blade system and the source of energy. Significant value funnel shape. The most convenient - cone-shaped with a slightly tilted structure. It is also more comfortable to work if separate holes will be used for different wastes: for example, one branch is inserted into the branches, and the second is used for mulch.

 Conical funnel chopper

Important to regulate knives rotation speed - It will help to shred the waste into the desired fractions. Included with the model should be a pusher: it is not safe to move the garbage into the funnel by hand. Speaking of safety, it is also important to have a reverse - it will allow you to rewind the wrong trash back (for example, for knots standing across the knife mechanism). A sieve for adjusting the output material will also be useful.

For many electric models, self-starting locking is perfect - in this case, the device will not turn on itself when there is a power outage.

Also choose your model will help knowledge of the leading technical parameters.

  1. Power electric grinders - from 2 to 5 kW. The petrol variant has the same indicator up to 8 kW (for example, for wood residues), but this performance is covered by a lot of noise.
  2. Concerning volume at work, then up to the level of 70-80 dB you can still work without headphones, in other cases the hearing must be protected additionally.
  3. The wider the wheels will be, the easier it will be to move the unit around the dacha or other garden plot. Especially it will save if the work takes place on the excavated land.
  4. It is important to pay attention to weight. Unit weight important if the processing involved a man aged and even just a woman.
  5. Should pay attention to height of the device in assembled form. This indicator is very important for people of short stature, especially if the receiving funnel is located on the unit a meter and a half from the ground. The arrangement of the transport handles also applies to the comfortable movement of the handset - it will not be very convenient to work,bent over with three deaths.
  6. It is important to have a hopper with protective visor. When working there are situations when the chips fly in different directions, so you should properly protect yourself.

Chopping raw herbs should be avoided - this can clog the cutting mechanism and the outlet.

As for the recommended models, manufacturers such as Bosch, Wolf Garten, AL-KO and Viking have proven themselves well - the latter are so omnivorous in general that they can grind everything. Although there are other less well-known brands - IKRA MOGATEC, MacAllister, Stiga Bio Quiet, Skill, PATRIOT and others. In any case, reviews of experienced users will help to make the right choice.

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